• Chapter 2 •

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[Raven's POV]

We were on our way to my house, walking because I didnt have a car. She was telling me how she likes to sing and dance. So I made a plan to play just dance when we got to my place. We made it up to my driveway and she looked at the house than me shocked. "This is where you live?!" She said with her mouth open. "Yea" I simply replied laughing. I live in this mansion type of house. Six rooms and seven bathrooms, I was lucky. It was a little too much but its my home.

Once Maddy and I got to my house, we were welcomed by my cat, Melvin, he is my everything. The only thing keeping me sane. "Lets go to my room." I said grabbing Maddy's arm and pulling her inside. Normally my parents would greet her but they worked a bunch and werr barely ever home.

"I'm sorry do you want anything to eat?" I asked her. "No thank you" she said standing looking down shyly" No need to be so formal here" I laughed and took her upstairs to my purple and black themed room. I pulled her onto my bed, "its okay Maddy, I'm not going to hurt you, I would never" I said looking at her reassuringly.

We talked non stop for hours. I told her how my parents never really loved each other and how they would fight and hurt me sometimes, and how I always wanted to see the Northern Lights. "Why the Northern lights?" She asked. "They are filled with emotion, the colors remind me on how I feel. The northern lights are peaceful and I could stare at them forever if I could. I always loved writing about them" I said eyeing the posters and pictures on my walls that are of Alaska and northern lights.

"Dang.. that's a beautiful place, I wish I could see it." she said looking at me deeply. "Maybe we could go together." I giggled out. We suddenly just started laughing. Why? I dont know, but I was happy.

I asked more about her, she loves to listen to music, write music, she has a mom that doesnt really care about her, two older twin brothers, and doesn't have many friends. I can tell by looking at her eyes she wants a friend, I can tell how lonely and sad she was. I want to make her my friend and maybe even happy.

Its about 6:26 pm, and I'm getting super hungry. "Want to make some food?" I ask Maddy. "Um.. what do you have in mind?" She asked shyly. "Let's make fucking ramen" I say excited. "Okay" she said giggling. I jump off the bed and get her hand and start running out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen passing Edith our housemaid. "RAMEN!" I scream, probably looking like a mad man. We boil the water, add the noodles, add soup. Bam with a little sriracha this will be amazing.

I get a bowl for the both of us, and go into the living room. "Wanna watch Supernatural?" I eye her seriously. "Yes." She replied, damn shes going to be such a good friend I can already tell. We have been watching supernatural for the past 3 hours and it's already 9:42 pm.

I look at my watch, then at her multiple times. "MADDY WE HAVE TO GO TO BED ITS ALREADY ALMOST 10! WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!" I scream at her. "Wh-wh-why did you scream at me?" Maddy said quietly starting to cry. "Maddy! I'm so sorry I didnt mean to yell I was just freaking out, we have to get up early and I need my beauty rest." I said firmly.

We walked upstairs heading to my room and I realized Maddy didn't have any extra clothes. "Maddy, do you want to borrow some of my pajamas for tonight and some clothes for tomorrow?" I ask. "Yea, sure that will be better than wearing jeans to bed." She said laughing. I hope she doesnt mind what I picked out for her, I dont really own pajamas, I just wear a over sized shirt and my underwear. So I went over to my dresser and grabbed my Hobo Johnson t-shirt that was huge, and gave it to her to sleep in. "This is it? No shorts?" She asked grabbing the shirt and looking at me. "Yea, I dont wear shorts to bed so I thought you wouldnt mind." I said shrugging it off. I put on a oversized shirt, took off my bra and got into bed.

"Raven, where do I sleep?" She asked me. "Well you can sleep with me." I said patting my bed besides me, half asleep. "WHAT?!" Maddy yelled surprised. "Mads stop yelling and get into bed, I'm sleepy." I said covering my ears. "F-fine" she said getting into my bed. After that we fell right asleep.

"RAVEN GET YOUR ASS UP, YOU ARE LATE TO YOUR SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL" my mom comes barging in my room, shaking me so I wake up. "What? IM LATE?!" I yell waking Maddy up and jumping out of bed. "Mads we have to get up or we are going to end up missing second period!" I yell. "Okay I get it, I'm up." She replies.

I gave her a black skirt and a band shirt and got me black shorts and a big maroon sweatshirt with fishnets and my all black converse. As we got dressed I put my damn hair into a ponytail, I didnt have time to do my make up so I hope I dont look too ratchet. We got ready ran downstairs, grabbed a banana, and ran to school so fast it only took us 7 minutes.

I hope no one noticed how late we were, I also hope we dint get detention. It's my second day. Do I really deserve detention? I walked into English, the class was almost over only 15 more minutes. "Ms. Lee. You are late. Care to explain to me why?" Mr.Roberts asked me. By now all the kids were looking at me, some even snickering! I'm so done with this man. "No. I dont care to explain." I said to Mr.Roberts. He looked so pissed. "Raven! See me after class." He said turning back to the white board continuing the lesson.

As I sat down in my seat, the guy from yesterday looked at me. "You are going to get detention, you know." He whispered to me snickering. "No shit sherlock. I dont care anyways." I told him. "Aight." He said as the bell rang and he got up to leave.

"Raven, come here" Mr.Roberts said to me, gesturing to come over to his desk.  "Listen, Mr.Roberts, I'm sorry I was late, I missed my alarm" I said apologetically. "Raven, I know you are new, but being on time is mandatory. I'm going to let this one mishap slide but if it happens again I'm going to give you detention." Mr. Robert's said looking down at his papers. "Thank you so much Mr.Robert, I promise this will never happen again." I said leaving the class room.

The rest of classes weren't as bad. I met up with Maddy during lunch break. "Hey! Maddy, dis you get punished for missing first period?" I ask. "No, I'm a good student so I dont normally get detention or anything." She said shrugging. Damn. I'm so glad shes my friend. "Dont look now, but wicked bitch of the north is coming your way." Maddy said to me. Jesus fuck. This girl just wont leave me alone. "Hey, new girl. You better watch your place, if I have to talk to your nasty self again, I'll make your life a living hell. Tata." She said walking away with her minions following.

"I wonder what the hell her problem is." I said to Maddy. "I dont know but, she can and will make your life a hell. I know" Maddy said eyeing me. Fuck. Of course she will. "Well anyways, do you know that guy that a junior, he was in my english and science class, he has brown hair, and kinda looks like a cliche bad boy?" I ask Maddy. "Uh yea. You don't wanna mess with him, hes a asshole" she said.

I wonder why hes a asshole. The guy doesnt seem like a problem. I guess you just never know with some people. We still have 15 minutes left of our lunch break. I'm going to find him.

Hm two love interests? How interesting is that. I hope Raven knows what's going for her.

But to be frank I hope you like this book, feed back will be very nice :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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