I'm What?

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Hai guys!! I'm new to wattpad and this is my first post on wattpad. Everything is very different compared to archiveofourown (where I seriously post fics). Things are weird but whatever, imma do whatever cuz that's what this account was made for — procrastinating. 

Hope you enjoy this piece of trash bcuz I literally have no flipping idea what I am doing so here you go!!

(P.S. Imho, I think Minghao is a beta or the alpha of an omega/beta, but for the sake of the story I made him an alpha. I'm not good with a/b/o stuff so characterizing them is hard for me, and Minghao was no different ^^")

Minghao and Junhui have known each other since elementary school, have been best friends since. They both presented as alphas during their middle school years and bonded around Minghao's sophomore year and Junhui's junior year. Fast forward a good six or so years, and they still haven't torn each other to shreds over dominance, still together whether their parents or society said they couldn't. Either way, it was too late to separate them at that point. They were in the day and age where homosexuality and all that was finally becoming excepted, however, bonding between alphas was something generally uncommon and sometimes looked down upon by a few people. Luckily, both Junhui and Minghao had good friends who supported whatever they did and whatever they liked. This, however, may have been a problem.

Minghao has been a little nauseous and tired for a week or more, but that didn't stop him from going to classes, whether or not Junhui told him to stay and rest at their shared apartment. He's also had these weird mood swings between irritable and unwelcoming and all of sudden feel very happy. At the times when he wasn't nauseous, he had food cravings, ones he hasn't felt before. He thinks he's gained weight but dismisses it, saying he needed it.

His nausea finally caught up with him, though, bad enough to the point that somewhere in the next week, Minghao finally called for an appointment with his doctor. Unfortunately, the only time his doctor had open was a Wednesday, 5:30 PM, the only off day Minghao has but of course the day Junhui would be unable to come with. Despite Junhui's many protests saying, "I can miss one day of class for you" and "let me come with you", Minghao told Junhui to go to the class he was currently failing in.

It was Wednesday today, 4:43 PM and Minghao was about to throw up, hunched over the toilet bowl and on the brink of puking. He feels his phone vibrate in his jeans pocket and he already knows it's Junhui, who was currently in class, asking if he was okay, which of course Minghao is not, and even if Junhui could feel that, he decides it's better to just dismiss it. He attempts to will his stomach to calm down so he could answer the text, but moving just makes his head pound more. It was like he was drunk and on a severe hangover. He was able to answer the text, however.

Junnie: are you okay?

Minghao: yeah why?

Junnie: you're lying

Minghao: I'm in the parking lot rn jun my appointment is soon

Yes, that was a lie, but it's not like Junhui could see him.

Minghao: I'm in the car gtg

Minghao sighed in relief after a minute had passed and Junhui didn't text back, but cursed when he felt his insides get riled up, like a kick to his stomach. He finally released everything in his stomach, unable to hold it in anymore. It felt good, yet he was exhausted. Yeah, he was definitely not in the condition for driving. He could cancel the appointment but the reason of the appointment was to find out why he was acting like this. He looked at his phone and picked it up, dialing one of his friends. It only took two rings before the other line picked it up.

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