Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfiction please leave comments down below! plus comment on how you like the story ;)

All french words are from Google translations. Sorry for bad accents.

I do not own Hetalia just the plot of the story.


(3rd p.o.v)

Beep, beep, beep, beep-

A pale hand pressed the off button before a rat nest of sun kissed blonde hair popped out of thick layers of blankets. Matthew sat up in bed rubbing his bright amethyst tired eyes, a big yawn escaped passed Matthews pale lips as Matthew stretched before getting out of bed. The Canadian walked over to his dresser pulling out a fresh pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, Canadian maple leaf decorated boxers, socks and to finish the look off a red beggy maple leaf sweater. 

Matthew then walked into his bathroom to take a quick shower and getting changed. Matthew brushed his teeth, brushing his wavy hair while watching the one rebellious curl bounce in font of Matthews face, which made him chuckle. Matthew walked out of his bathroom back in to his room to pick up his oval red wired glasses, placing them on tho the bridge of his button noise. Matthew blinks a few times for his violet eyes could adjust with the glasses on. With a satisfied sigh the blonde walked out of his room and made his way to the kitchen, Matthew went over his school schedule as he walked down the narrow hallway that had pictures of Matthew and his Mother.

Matthew looked at one picture of him and his mother standing in front of Niagara falls, he and his mother both had bright smiles across their pale faces. His Mother had her blonde hair tied up in to a high ponytail, her warm blue eyes shined with happiness. They both had red plaid long sleeve shirts on, his mom had black shorts with brown hiker boots on, Matthew had brown cargo shorts, red high tops white maple leaf covered socks. Matthew still remember that day when he and his mother both went to Niagara falls for vacation before they received the call that changed their lives forever.

Matthew walked in to the kitchen, walking over to the pantry he grabbed a large box of Lucky Charms and a bowl and spoon. Matthew then grabbed the milk from the fridge before walking over to the table to put the items down. Matthew poured his food and milk in to the bowl before eating. Matthew thought about the two exams in the morning and after lunch but Matthew wasn't worried at all. When Matthew finished breakfast, the blonde cleaned up his dishes placing them in the sink to wash them later after school.

Walking in to the living room Matthew grabbed his book bag, wallet, car keys and his father's army tag necklace. Then the blonde Canadian rushed to the front door closet he grabbed his red high tops and his black leather jacket.

"Bye mom!" Matthew called out as he walked out the door.

Matthew unlocked his red echo Toyota. Matthew hoped in putting his things in to the passenger seat beside him before starting the car. Pulling out of the driveway the blonde and drove to school. Matthew thought about his English and French exams that he had. English in the morning and french after lunch... well after his spare that he has. Matthew glanced at the digital clock 7:00, Matthew decided to do a Timmies run before going to school. Matthew saw Tim Hortons come into view, turning into the parking lot Matthew found a free spot to the door. Turning off the engine Matthew got out of his call, locking the car before walking into Timmies.

There wasn't a line up so Matthew walked up to the cashier to order.

"Hello! Welcome to Tim Hortons, may I take your order?" said the cheerful lady smiled.

Matthew gave her a smile in return.

"Bonjour, I would like to get a medium hot chocolate with a 20 pack of powder raspberry filled timbits and honey glazed timbits please." Matthew asked. (Hello or good morning)

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