"Mark! Get up, get up! You're late for school!" Mark wake up from his deep sleep, by his screaming mom that was throwing a fit for Mark sleeping in. Apparently this was his third day in a row that he has done this.. Oops? Mark looked over at his mom, opening his mouth to say, "One more hour mooom." He groaned out with still looking at his mom.

"Now Mr. Fischbach." Mark then stopped whining towards his mother to let him stay in bed all day. Mark groaned with rolling over to get off his bed, but instead was rolling all the way off of his bed; him hitting the ground floor with a 'THUMP'. Mark's mom snickered, "Nice job Edward. Now come on and get dressed, you got," Mark's mom paused, looking at Mark's alarm clock that was on his wooden nightstand. "fifteen minutes! Hurry up slowpoke!"

Mark groaned, "Wake me up in a freaking hour.. I got stuff to do." Mark said once more, beginning to whine once again. Mark's mom put her hands on her hips with replying, "Oh? So you just want to quit school then? Don't won't to get a good education? Don't want to move out of your parents house? Soon you're gonna live down in the basement young man. So you better get your-" Mark interrupt his mom's rant. "Ugggh, okay okay okay, mom I'm getting up, then getting dressed. And just because I was being like that then I will run to school without you wasting gas on me." Mark spoked with getting off of the ground and heading to his dresser to get clothes out.

"Awe Marky! You're so sweet! But I rather you not catch a cold in this rain." Mark furrowed his eyebrows with looking at his mother. "What? Mom it isn't ev-" Mark was caught off by a loud 'BOOM' that could be heard from outside. A small thunder could be heard, Mark slightly jumped. Mark looked over at his mom, with seeing a little scared in his eyes. "Can I just stay home? It's raiiiinning mother." Mark's mom glared at Mark, leaving the room dead silent. "Get dressed in the next ten minutes, or you're moving all your stuff in the basement." With no words coming out of the mouth of Mark, Mark's mom left the room without another word. Mark knew.. He needed to get dressed.


Mark's mom hurried to the school. Practically going over the speed limit.. Even though it was raining. Of course Mark being him, he complained on how badly his mother was driving. "Mo-Mom! I swear you're going to kill me!" Mark's mom roll her eyes. "Well are you dying now? No you're not." Mark groan with holding onto the handle that was on the ceiling of the car. The "first time my son/daughter is driving" handle.

With Mark's mom parking perfectly near the school, Mark ran out of the car; him trying not to get soaked from the rain. "Hurry up and get to class Edward! And remember-" Mark cut his own mom off. "I know! I know!" Mark's mom smiled, mumbling, "I love you." under her breath. With Mark "happily" making it into the big building, Mark's mom drove away with not speeding like she was when she had Mark in the car.


Once Mark was in the building, he made his way to to his second period class, it being mid-way into his second period class. Mark came into his classroom, which was English for Miss Vicky.

He came barging in, and sat down in his exact seat. Apparently the class was silent, with Miss Vicky having her head down on her desk. Mark was confused at first, but one of his best friends; Felix was in that class as well with Mark sitting right next to him. "Hey, psst, Mark.. Maaaark!" Felix spoke out, quietly whispering but shouting towards Mark. Mark groaned with turning towards Felix, making his head turn left. "What do you want?" Felix grinned, with staring at Mark's chocolate eyes. "You just missed the most fucking amazing thing ever!" Usually whenever Felix says this, it's either really really super importart, or it's as stupid as a lizard.

Mark rolled his eyes, not excepting what will come out of his mouth. "What is it this time Fel-" Mark was cut off by a loud slam coming from the front of the classroom. Mark quickly turned his head forward to the front, with Miss Vicky standing up, and just having a fit. "Hm? So I see that Mark came in late? Do you even have a late pass?" Mark went silent. Not saying a word, because he forgot to stop at the office to get a pass. "No? Then get your ass up and go get a pass! Maybe you could say hi to Seán up there as well!" Without no hesitation, Mark quickly pounced out of his chair, grabbing his bookback, and leaving the classroom; not even saying another word.

With Mark walking down towards the office, he really could do anything at this point. He doesn't really care about going back to his classroom since they're basically not doing anything. Well that's what he usually does whenever a teacher sends him down to the office.

Mark walked all the way down to the office, stopping once seeing a boy that was in the same class as him. His name was Seán or so he thinks it is. Mark, being him, smiled with coming up to sit right by Seán; trying to be as politely as possible. "Hiya Seán!" He spoked while he was walking towards Seán, him being chirpy and happy like always. Mark sat down to the dark blue chair that was next to Seán's chair. Seán looked over at Mark. Him surprised that he was talking to him, but Seán didn't talk as "nicely" as Mark was speaking. "What do you want Mark?" Seán spoke out harshly.

Mark was taken a back to this, sure this meant nothing to him, Seán could of just been having a bad day. After all he was sent up to the office by Miss Vicky too. "Sooo.. You were sent up to the office as well by Ms. Vicky? What did you do to make her pissed at you?" Asked Mark, him waiting for an answer from Seán; Seán smirked before replying. "Why do you fucking care in the first place?" Mark was taken a back once more, "Hey maybe you shouldn't be such a dick to me Seán!" Seán quickly got up with making a fist towards Mark. "I'm not the one that is being a dick here Mark!" Mark got up with ready to take the first swing at Seán. Before anything could happen, one of the coaches, Coach Hayes. He came running as fast as he can, yelling, "Hey hey hey break it up you two!" Coach Hayes got in between both of the boys, breaking it up, but Mark and Seán was glaring at each other with full on hatred. "Fuck you." Seán spoke out towards Mark. "You wish sweetheart." Replied Mark with the same amount of hate towards Seán.

"Hey you two," interrupted Coach Hayes, "Seán you go to the back, and Mark you stay here. Both of you are suspended for three days, now we're gonna call your parents." Mark and Seán both groaned. "But I didn't do anything! It was basically this asshole here!" Spoke Mark with pointing towards Seán. "Oh yeah! Just blame it on the Irishman here you cunt!" Mark and Seán was starting to go towards each other once more before Coach Hayes had to come in between them once more. "Alright you two! Make it a week! Now Seán go in the back! We're calling your parents first," Mark interrupted Coach Hayes to let out a simple little, "Ha!" Coach Hayes quickly turned his head to Mark. "For this both of you are off of the drama community. Now go!" Mark scrambled to his seat up in the front, with Seán quickly making his way to the back of the office, which was the detention center.

Mark and Seán's parents weren't too happy when they got a call from the school saying a fight between them was about to break out. With punishments going to the both of them, along with them getting kicked out of the drama club, they didn't know what to do anymore. Both of them loved drama with both of their hearts. It was a dream of them to be performing into a big audience. But now, they didn't know what to do, both of them are heartbroken.

"Seán William McLoughlin! What in the hell did you do!?" Seán's mother, Sydney, spoke out. "Almost punched a guy," Seán shrugged, "no biggie." Seán's second mother, Allie, spoke out this time. "Seán this isn't a joke! You're suspended for a week! Do you not know how much this means?!" Seán groaned with heading to his room. "I'm grounded I know. I'll be in my room if you need me." Seán walked down a short hallway and headed left to where his bedroom was. He opened his door and closed it as soon as he was in it. To be honest, he's always the safest in his room. Seán looked around his room, his walls being covered with endless amounts of poster, drawings, and hats being hanged on them. He let out a breath of air with going to his bed, looking under it to find a small, beaten up metal box with a lock on it. Seán entered in the code with wasn't that hard to remember. With a click of the lock being unlocked, he opened the box to be filled and filled with random little toys and pictures.. Pictures of Mark and Seán when they were kids. Seán got off of the floor to be sitting on the edge of his bed. He sighed softly, grabbing a tiny picture that was of him and Mark. Them both having their arms around each other, Mark having his arm around Seán's neck and Seán having his arm around Mark's waist. Mark doing a peace sign with his hand, and Seán doing a peace sign as well. Them both smiling with joy as the picture was being taken. A tiny tear escaped Seán's eye.

Seán really missed Mark, yet he doesn't want to mention it. He miss his best friend that he use to knew.


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