Chapter 8

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I was walking in the same arena again ,i.e in the swamps but it looked different.
Yes instead of beautiful flowers of various colours there were red and black 1 feet thorns growing all over.

I just safely continued to walk straight towards the only tree where a beautiful girl of around 18 with brown hair who looked a lot like my mother, stood.

It was Armelle.

My happiness had no bounds . I ran towards her and hugged her.
I could feel a lone tear leave my eye.

" I knew you were alive . You can't be dead. We promised to babysit each other's babies when we have them, didn't we ?" I said as innocently as a three year old who was just being told that his mommy is going somewhere.

"I am dead Athelena." She said . Sadness glistening from her eyes.

I stepped back with a stunned face not wanting to believe it.
But then something clicked in my mind.

"Wait if i can see you there can be two probable reasons. Either you are lying and you are alive or i am dead too and you are saying the truth. The latter isn't too bad. Everything accepted till you are with me" i blurted out to her .

We both were crying as hard as we could in each other's embrace.

"So tell me what is the truth" I Asked with a tone of finality.

"Listen Ath you,me and Asher are pixies. Do you understand ? Real pixies. Not the ones who are tiny and fly with the help of pixie dust which we see in movies but real pixies with extraordinary powers and yes Ath we have wings too." She took a deep breath and gulped (i don't know why).

I took some time to absorb the fascinating information wanting it all to be true except,
"But that doesn't answer my question. How can i see you in this weird place and are you still...... You know."

"Okay" Armelle took a deep breath and started to explain "So after i died and you passed out Asher took me to the Pix realm and asked one of the great pix pro to save my memory and transfer it to the dream realm and show it to you. Asher wanted me to tell you all this. So here I am in your dream talking to you." She had told this all in a -i-am-responsible- look on her face which i caressed the most.

"But if its just a dream then why should i think that everything is real. This place. Your information. And you. Why is it just not a part of my imagination." i asked her wanting an explanation.

"Ath THIS All IS REAL. Believe me . Go on pinch yourself you will feel pain. Armelle said with an air of irritation on her face.

I pinched myself and felt a pain run across the area. So this is real after all .
Wow . A real Dream

"Can you tell me something more about this stuff" i asked her sounding amused. Happy with a new discovery I had made about a new or to be new self.

"It is none of the concern now. The main thing is that you are turning 16 today evening . The exact time you were born. So you, a human born pixie will receive your powers at that particular moment. Now as soon as you will receive your power, you and the people you choose to be with will get sucked inside the pix realm which is a kind of new home for you even if you like it or not." She took a deep breath and continued.

"You have to do something Ath . Something which is the only way to save the four realms. You will meet various people there. It's your duty to figure out who can be trusted and who can be not . You are the destined one Ath and i was mistaken."

She fell silent as soon as she realised that i did not understand a lot of things she said. Something has to be done by me. How can a mere teenager who cant save herself from falling will save 4 realms.

Suddenly i heard a loud voice banging in my head saying,
"Wake up Ath. Wake up. "

"I think its time to leave" Armelle said quietly. I shook my head in a no. But she didn't seem to see that.

"By the way Happy Birthday Athelena"
She said it with a soft smile and stepped back and vanished to nowhere.

"Stop don't go." i could hear myself repeating again and again.

But it was too late.

She was gone.


Maybe forever.

No .

This was just a dream.

Hi guys i hope you liked the chapter.

Thanks for reading and for 200+ reads.

Lets wait for Athelena's birthday and see what awaits her and her friends.

Remember Armelle never mentioned Zayll and Amyra is a human but is still with them .

Well friendship is something worth everything.

Have a good day.
I Love these flowers. Do u?

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