Girl on a Train

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I wrote this when looking at a picture of a young girl who was dirtied and hitching a ride between train cars in bangladesh (keep in mind with this exercise you cannot edit or change anything as you write it or after)  link to picture =====>

I smell something gross whether it be the smell of the train I am hitching a ride on or me, I am not sure. At this point I don't even know the true color of my skin and clothes for they have been caked and dirtied on my long journey through the wilds and urban cities. Everywhere I travel the people, the bad ones, turn their noses up at me as if I am some fowl creature and if they don't do this they stare wondering how they can use me. But I am tired of being used that's the reason I am on this train right now, I am running, running from teh people who hurt me. They used me in every way they could, physically and mentally, they left nothing untouched. They did this not thinking about the hurt because lets face it I can't be hurt I am just a low life a poor girl who lost everything. I must like their torture because I at least have something then. But no I hate it, every second of it I want to stop. I might be running and getting away from the place but I will never truly escape it, the scars will always be there as well as the memories. Nothing is untouched and it is written plainly on my face as I sit here on this train not knowing where I am going and frankly I don't care as long as I am away from the place that forced me to grow up quickly and terribly. 

Girl on a TrainWhere stories live. Discover now