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[Copyright © 2014 by TheMadKat, All Rights Reserved.]



I secured Kendall's leg atop my own as she ran her fingers up and down my shoulders.

"It's only you," I said in a whisper before putting my hands through her hair and pulling her head toward me. We connected in a deep kiss. I was barely able to breathe, we were so close, and I was beginning to feel claustrophobic. However, I put it behind me and moved her closer onto my lap.

Once we finally came up for breath, I opened my eyes and stared into her light brown ones. Kendall grinned at me lovingly and, just as I was about to return the favour, my eyes strayed from her face and to a figure standing in the doorway.

Her eyebrow was cocked up as her arms crossed. She was beautiful, of course, her unfamiliar dark brown tresses framing her face. She wore a crème-coloured tank top and black shorts, accenting the hot Californian weather.

"Cut," I declared, backing away from Kendall and standing from the couch. She looked up at me confusedly and I nodded toward the doorway. However, the girl was gone.

"I'll be right back," I assured her and the crew that surrounded us. I jogged away from the set and slipped into the doorway that lead backstage. No one was there though, because they were busy trying to finish the film in time for early August.

I looked around for her and groaned slightly as I saw I was actually alone.

"I wish you'd kiss me like you do Kendall Jenner."

I spun on my heel and came face-to-face with Bridgit Mendler. I grinned and took her face in my hands, brushing my hands under her hair.

"I haven't seen you for just about a month," I said lowly. Bridgit leaned forward and allowed our foreheads to touch. But then, she quickly pulled back.

"You haven't called me in weeks!" She accused harshly. "And I hate to sound like that girlfriend but why the hell didn't you?"

I reeled back, not exactly expecting the outburst, and rocked on my heels. "I was busy filming," I replied. Bridgit sucked in a cheek.

"As if that's supposed to make me feel better. You were too busy kissing and fake-sexing another girl to text your fiancée!"

An unprecedented smile crossed my lips. "You just said fiancée."

Bridgit frowned. "What?"

"You just admitted that I'm your fiancé. You just accepted the fact that we're engaged."

She narrowed her eyes at me and rose her left hand, which donned the ring I gave her around a month ago. "I'm not sure me wearing your mom's wedding ring impromptu because you didn't realize you were putting it in my sweater instead of your sister's doesn't actually count as a proper engagement."

I studied her for a moment, before saying, "Okay," and getting down on one knee. Bridgit's eyebrows shot up as I took her hand and slid my mum's ring off. I put it in my back pocket. "You, Bridgit Mendler, are stubborn as hell." She didn't respond and I put my hand in my other pocket and drew out another ring; I bought it this time, about two weeks ago. It had a slightly pink diamond, encased by an impressive silver band. I held it up for her to see and gently took her hand. "But for some unknown reason, I love you unconditionally."

deeper shades // bridgit mendler [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now