Earning trust

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SORRY!!! I just want to say sorry for not writing in so long and for the last two chapters being so short and sucky!!!! I PROMISE I'll try and make it up to you!!!! Hope this chapter is a little more enjoyable...

       I sat there silent. I didn't know whether or not I should run after her. Hopefully she'll frogive me seeing as how we've been friends for so long. But I've been lying to her so much!! Ugh, why didn't I just look up the damn band intead of lying!! i'm an idiot. The bell rang so I threw the remainder of my food away and headed to 5th period. 'Oh crap' i thought, remembering Bella sits right next to me in 5th period. Great. Just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse, I heard Brandon running up behind me shouting my name. 'Great', First, my best-friend hates me, now my ex who cheated on me is most likely gonna try to get me back just like many times before. "Hey, bae," he said slyly as if nothing had happened the day before. "What doucheface," I replied. 'Great 1st grade comeback' I thought to myself. "Woah!! Someone's on their period!" he answered dryly. "I stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning to face him. "First of all, thats none of your damn business. Second of all, why are you acting like nothing happened? I saw you making out with that slut yesterday." "Oh, babe she means nothing to me that whole thing was nothing" he said. "So! that doesn't make a difference! If shee doesn't mean anything then why were you making out with her?" I said yelling directly in his face. "Baby plea-" "shut up, I don't even care anymore. We're through!" I quickly began to walk away hoping and praying he wasn't following me. Now off to face my other problem of the day.

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        Throughout class, I would try to say something to Bella, but the whole time she remained almost completely frzen staring at the from of the room. By the end of the day she was completely avoiding me asking people in our other classes if she could switch seats with them. Wow, she really hates me. I have to make it up to her somehow. It has to be something big. And I know just what to do. 

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     Finally, I got into my car and drove away from that dreadful place. It was pretty bareable outside so I decided to open the sun roof and roll down my windows all the way home. I pulled up in my driveway extremely anxious for what I had planned for Bella. I Stormed into the house running up the stairs immediately. I whipped out my laptop and began searching. "Alright," I said to myself, "time to get seriously One Direction Infected." I searched all night about those four gorgeous boys. Wow, I've been missing out big time! I learned the lyrics to almost every song, watched all of thier x-factor auditions, watched all of their video diaries (along with megamind[s] and Spin the Harry), and  crammed all of the facts I could into my head that I possibly could. I filled up my phone with their music and pictures and then I began the REAL search. I know she had already bought us tickets, but with her parents jobs, i don't know if they would allow her to get good seats. But mine, on the other hand, don't care. SO I searched until I found the perfect tickets. Right next to the stage along with back stage passes and an exclusive hangout with all of the boys!! She's gonna freak!! I just wish she would talk to me... I have to set something up to where I don't have to give them to her directly because if I give hem to her myself, she won't take them. time to plan.

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       teh next morning at school I expressed my situation and my need to my principal Mrs.Goodman. "Please Mrs. Goodman!! It would mean the world to me!! besides today is a hallf day so none of the classes are doing anything anyways!!" "Fine, I'll allow it" She answered sternly reminding me she's an adult.  "Thank you Mrs. Goodman you won't regret this!!" i said running into the secretary's office where my plan would ommence. I turned on the microphone on the intercom clearing my throat to get everyone in the school's attention.  "Attention everyone, i have a very special announcement," This is gonna be good.

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