Chapter 1 - Moving Day

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"COME ON ASHLEE" My mom screamed down the hall to my room. We had a one story house at the time. "I'M COMING, DAMN" I said back. Yeah, I know what your thinking. 'you cuss at your mom'. Not all the time, but when im frustrated I do and she knows that.

I ran to my older sister Kayleigh's room to see if she was ready because I already knew my little sister Brandy was with my mom at the door. She is such a mama's baby.

Well let me explain if your confused. My name is Ashlee Brown and I'm am 15 years old. My older sister's name is Kayleigh Brown she is 16 years old, and last but not least is Brandy Brown. She is my 11 year old sister who cries alot. 

Kayleigh and I walked down the hall slowly just trying to get on out mom's nerves. My mom's name is Robin Brown. She is 33. Me and Kayleigh are the trouble makers. Always laughing at the exspense of others, doing pranks, and being mean at times. But not that mean. Just the typical older sister stuff everyone does. 

When my mom finally saw she sighed, relieved that we were finally ready. "Finally!" my mom said. "You guys always no how to push my buttons on the wrong days, you just go........." I tuned out after that me and my sister know that mom can go on and on at times. 

"So you ready?" I asked Kayleigh. 

"As ready as I'll ever be" she repied.

"I'm as sad as you are, grumpy, I didnt get to say goodbye to my two best friends" I said. 

"Whatever" she said, waving her hand as a dissmissal.

I never understood why my sister would close off from me, but I never questioned it. As we all walked out of the door I looked to the left seeing Princess's old dog house. Princess was our old family dog. Mom said we had to give her away because she wanted to start fresh when we moved. It took a lot of convincing from her to us, but it had to be done. 

I wanted to cry, but I pushed the tears back. We had Princess since she came out of her mom's (which is my aunts dog) womb. 

As we all loaded into my mom's shiny, cream Cadillac Escalade, I sliped on the step up and fell backwards falling on my butt really hard. Oh, did I forget to mention that I was really clumsy. Well Yeah. I am. When I finally planted my but in one of the front seats in the middle of the truck while everyone laughed at me. I grimaced. "This is going to be one long car ride" I mumbled to myself. Which of course they had to hear that too, making them laugh even harder.

(3 hours later from Hattiesburg)

Once we pull up to our new house with the moving truck not far behind us I run up the steps and fling the door open. 

As soon as the door is open my mouth drops almost hitting the floor. The house is beautiful. In the living room there are shelves lining the whole right wall, and a fire place in the middle. The floor is hardwood floor and tile flooring in the kitchen. The walls are a cream white, lining with a silky brown. 

When i look to the left I notice the stairs. I run as fast as I can to get the best room. The first room is two small so it would probably be Brandy's. The middle room is the same size as the last one so me and kendria won't have to fight over it. My closet is humongous as is our bathroom in the hall of our upstairs area. 

After 2 gruesome hours of putting everything in place in my room I leave to go check on the rest of the house.

Kayleigh's room is done with her big bed in her favorite color. Red and Black. Along with all the other decorations the line and hang her wall. 

I walk to Brandy's room to see her little single bed in the middle of the room with her favorite color. Orange. Whice is why everything else in her room is that color. 

My room is Pink and Green. My two favorite colors in the whole wide world. If you wanna know a secret I love Pink more than Green. 

I walked down the stairs to see the living room done as my mom would decorate. I could tell her taste in any room. My mom is in the kitchen now putting the rest of the dishes up. She hasn't noticed me come in yet. 

As I try to sneak away she catches sight of me. 

"Ashlee, come help me baby" my mom says.

DAMN, I thought in my head

"Ok mom" I said sighing loudly

I round the corner and come up beside her. 

"what do you want me to do?" I ask 

"Go get all the coolers and start stocking the fridge" she tells me 

What a FUN night I'm gonna have I thought,...Note the Sarcasm!

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