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(Scott in picture above.)

I'm (Y/N) McCall. Scott McCall's little sister. Well, not by much. I'm only two years younger. Scott is going to be a Junior and I'm going to be a Freshman. Before I get into detail on what's happening. I'll tell you about how this all started.

Scott and I were working out at our house and listening to music.

(Y/N)- Hey, I'm gonna get us some water.

Scott- Ok, thanks.

(Y/N)- No problem.

I go into the kitchen and start to pour Scott and I water when I hear a noise come from outside. I stop and go outside with a bat. When I get to the porch with my bat in hand.... Stiles swings down from the roof and is hanging upside down.

(Y/N)- Ahhh!

Stiles- Ahhh!

(Y/N)- Stiles! What the heck are you doing?!

Stiles- You and Scott weren't answering your phones. Why do you have a bat?

(Y/N)- I thought you were a predator.

Stiles- A pre - I - wha - look, I know it's late but.....

Just then Scott comes running out of the house still shirtless, his hair messy, and a bat in hand ready to swing.

Scott- (Y/N), no! You get away from her!

Stiles- Ahhh!

Scott goes to hit Stiles with the bat but I put my arm in front of him to stop him. As Stiles is yelling he falls off the roof.

Stiles- *Uf.*

(Y/N)- Woah! Woah! Scott, it's just Stiles.

Scott- Stiles!? What are you doing?!

Stiles gets up and brushes himself off.

Stiles- What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You were gonna beat me with a bat, repeatedly!

Scott- I thought you were someone hurting (Y/N)!

Stiles- Why would you think that?

Scott- Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I heard her scream?!

Stiles- Ok you got a point... but I'm not, and seriously, bats? Is there anything else you guys use to defend yourselves with? Also, who has two bats in their house?

(Y/N)- We do!

Scott- Stiles, what are you doing here anyways?

Stiles- Alright, I know it's late but you guys have got to hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police.

(Y/N),Scott- For what?

Stiles- Two joggers found a body in the woods.

Scott- A dead body?

Stiles- No, a body of water. Yes dumby a dead body.

I grin and hold back a laugh.

Scott- You mean like murdered?

Stiles- Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20's.

(Y/N)- Wait, hold on. If they found the body, then what are they looking for?

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now