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I helped Peter put on his armor, I was helping him put on his shoulder plate, I refused to look at him but I could feel his stare.


"Peter," I finally looked up at him, "If you die I will kill you."

He smiled down at me wrapping me in a tight hug. "I will be ok, Mar."

"But you can't promise me that, Peter." I broke the hug, "Miraz will fight dirty, you can't promise me that you will leave without a scratch!"

"You and Milo promise each other that." He told me taking a step closer.

"And look where it got us! Milo and I have almost died countless times, and my heart broke every single time, but we are still here." I ranting running a hand through my hair but it kept falling back over my face.

Peter's cold metal glove brushed the hair out of my face and around my ear. "I am still here, Mar." He told me tilting my head up to meet is eyes ocean eyes. "And here is where I will stay." He told me cupping my cheeks.

"Your gloves are cold," I said pulling away.

Peter chuckled before pulling me into another hug.

"I am going to stab Miraz if he tries anything"



"No, Mar." Peter pressed a kiss into my forehead.

I walked outside with Edmund and Peter. Narnian's cheered around us and we kept walking with straight faces. We walked to the center of the field that held a stone ground and old pillars. Miraz and a couple soldiers stood at the other end.

Peter took his sword from Edmund and the Narnians cheering grew louder. "Stay safe, Peter." I murmured before joining Edmund on the sidelines.

Peter and Miraz stepped into the makeshift arena.

"There is still time to surrender." Miraz threatened.

"Feel free." Peter retorted his voice low.

"How many more have to die?"

"Just. One." Peter closed his helmet and they charged.

Peter lept off a pillar and they clashed swords and shields. Peter's helmet was knocked off and I tried not to flinch, Peter quickly dodged a swing and swung at Miraz, who paired. This went on for what felt like forever and every second was almost painful to watch. Peter got a hit on Miraz's leg but he was quick to respond and he swung. Peter jumped over the sword in a roll and landed on the ground.

"No don't give up the higher ground, Peter." I murmured.

Peter stood back up but he was forced back down and Miraz stepped on Peter's shield and I could hear a sickening crack. Peter shouted in pain and I flinched. Peter striked again and again until Miraz backed off and he rolled away only to strike again. This time he knocked Miraz over. Peter quickly stood up followed by Miraz. I could hear a horse neigh, my eyes flickered to Caspian and Susan, before going back to Peter.

"Does his highness need a respite?" Miraz growled.

"Five minutes?" Peter negotiated.

"Three!" Miraz spat.

Peter limped over, Edmund and I were quickly at his side. "Lucy?" He asked Susan. "She made it threw," Susan told him.

"And Milo?" I asked.

"They both did with a little help." Susan looked up at Caspian.

"Thanks," Peter said and I nodded. "You better get out there I don't expect the telmarines to keep their word." Susan quickly hugged Peter before apologizing and then she left.

My eyes flickered to the worried Narnians. "Keep smiling," I told Peter thru closed teeth.

Peter gritted his teeth and raised his sword everyone cheered.

We got him somewhere to sit and Caspian took his shield and Peter groaned in pain. I was quickly in front of Peter on my knees. "I was very specific you were not to die," I growled. "I am still here, Mar. But I think my shoulder is dislocated." I slipped my fingers between his shoulder plates feeling his shoulder. I motioned for Edmund and he came over in front of Peter while I went behind him, I mouthed 'dislocated' and Ed nodded. "You alright Pete?" Ed started. "I-" Peter almost yelled in pain when I snapped his shoulder back in place. "I am fine." He finished baring thru the pain. "Any advice?" Peter asked thru gritted teeth. "Don't die and keep calm." We helped him back up, "Stay safe, Peter." I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug, it was only moments before I had to let him go as much as I didn't want to.

The two stepped back into the ring swinging. Peter was forced into a corner by Miraz's quick strikes, most of which Peter narrowly avoided but he was pushed into a pillar. Peter quickly kicked Miraz's feet out from under him and got back up. The two swung again locking swords before swinging again. Peter ditched his shield and started swinging down on Miraz's shield. They lost their swords but Peter grabbed the shield and pulled Miraz but ended with an elbow to the face and he was thrown into a pillar. I cringed but Miraz swung and Peter stopped it with his gauntlet and quickly punched him before striking Miraz's injured leg. Miraz howled in pain and back up clutching his leg.

Peter went to strike again but Miraz held up a hand and spat out, "Respite."

Peter hesitated and Edmund shouted, "Now is not the time for chivalry Peter!"

Peter started walking away but Miraz charged. "Peter!" I yelled and he quickly turned around disarmed Miraz and stabbed him. Peter withdrew the sword and Miraz collapsed to his knees, Peter didn't swing.

"What's the matter, boy? To cowardly to take a life?"

"It's not mine to take." Peter spat before walking back to us and gave the sword to Caspian.

I wrapped my arms around Peter's neck and his went around my waist, momentarily lifting me off the ground as he buried his face in my hair.

He set me down and we turned to Caspian who raised his sword up. He let out a yell and struck the ground. "Keep your life but I am giving the Narnian's back their kingdom."

The Narnians cheered and Caspian walked away and back to us.

We went to walk away when we heard a shout. Miraz had a Narnian arrow in him and his second in command next to him.

"VICTORY! THEY SHOT HIM!! THEY MURDERED OUR KING!!!" One yelled before running back.

"Get ready!" Peter yelled at the Narnians.

"PETER!" Caspian yelled and I was quicker to act. I swung taking out the guard in one hit I could feel the force in my wrists.

"GO!" Peter yelled and we ran to the end of the areana.

"I told you I would stab someone if they tried something." I smiled up at Peter in a position to fight.

They started throwing boulders and charged.

"One. Two." Peter counted his voice strained.

"Five. Six." I murmured.

"Eight. Nine." Ed murmured after a couple seconds.

"GET READY!" Peter yelled.

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