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"Serena, dear! I will be leaving for a little while

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"Serena, dear! I will be leaving for a little while." Amari called out from where she stood at the front door. "please do be careful and continue with your studies."
Serena grinned as she bounded down the stairs, an ancient looking grimoire floating in front of her, causing the vampire to roll her eyes. "Ri? Can I go out later? I promise I will do all the reading and studies before then and if I don't, I'll work twice as hard tomorrow." The blonde begged, looking at her friend and mentor. Her eyes wide and pleading.
"You promise?" Amari asked, looking at Serena's face for any hint that the young witch was lying. "As long as you be careful and call me if anything was to happen to you,'"Serena grinned and hugged Amari, the moment of happiness caused the witch to lose her concentration and the book fell.


"Yeah, sorry 'bout that"


Slowly Amari walked up to the front door of the Salvatore boarding house and knocked on the door. The door opened and Damon Salvatore stood in front of her, making her roll her eyes. "I was really hoping it would have been your brother that would open the door and greet me, but it seems whatever higher power may exist, was not in my favor!" Amari sighed and pushed passed the young vampire and made her way further into the house where Stefan sat, with another vampire, Rose standing in front of him, both were looking at Amari.
"What are you doing here!" Rose exclaimed, fear laced in her voice as she looked at the woman who just arrived.
"I am here to discuss some matters with the Salvatore brothers," Amari stated as she sat down on one of the couches in the room and crossed her legs.

"What matters?" Stefan asked as he stared down the older vampire.

"Matters that concern Elena Gilbert and Niklaus Mikaelson."

"And I believe that we just established that The Originals are a myth," Damons voice rung behind her making Amari laugh.
"The Originals may be the stuff of legend but I can assure you, they are very much real." She said as she accepted the glass of bourbon that Damon was offering her. She watched as Stefan stood up and leaned against the wall of the fireplace, crossing his arms as he looked at her.

"What do you want with Elena?"

"I wish to help you protect her of course!" Amari clapped her hands together and uncrossed her legs in order to swap them. "See Klaus wishes to break a curse, and to do so he needs your doppelganger," Amari explained. "He was originally going to use, Katarina but in classic Katarina fashion she managed to evade death as usual-"
"How? How did she survive?" Stefan asked. Damon rolled his eyes.

"Probably manipulated some guy into doing her bidding."

"Right you are Damon. Once she found out her fate, she fled, Elijah was the one who was meant to find her. Katarina hid in a cottage in the woods, where Rose just so happened to live." Amari explained and the two brothers looked at Rose, who had her head down. "See, her friend Trevor found Katarina and told her to hide there, and when Rose was going to send her back to Klaus, Katarina killed herself, with vampire blood in her system."

"So that's how Kathrine became a vampire? She offed herself?" Damon laughed.

"Yes, and she has been on the run from Niklaus ever since and when he does find her he will make her suffer," Amari explained as she stood up from he position. "So please, do take my offer into consideration, I do wish to protect Elena, though it may be for reasons different than yours." And with that said she left, only leaving behind a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

" And with that said she left, only leaving behind a piece of paper with her phone number on it

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Serena sighed as she carefully turned the pages of the grimoire in front of her. It was ancient. The pages were a brownish color and almost falling apart. To the young witch it seemed like the lightest touch would cause the book to fall apart but by some miracle, it doesn't. She assumed that a preservation spell was placed on all the grimoires that Amari owned. No. Not Amari. The grimoires that Serena owned.
These ancient books filled with magic, potions, spells, curses, pretty much anything for everything. The wonders belonged to her, and her ancestors. Amari merely helps preserve their knowledge, helps protect what belongs rightfully to Serena's family. Amari has been with Serena's family for centuries, protected them, helped them, and raised their descendants if something were to happen to the children's parents. Just like she did with Serena.

Serena sat up and listened as her back cracked after spending hours hunched over the book. She glanced at the other book that lay open beside her. It was blank and new. Her vampire friend explained to her, how it was a tradition in Serena's family that each witch had their own book. Wrote their own grimoire to pass down new knowledge to the future generations. Amari explained to her that magic was constantly changing. Much like technology and science in the modern world. There are always new things to be discovered.
Serena only wished that it was her own mother that explained this to her. Though the blonde appreciated everything that Amari has done for her, everything she sacrificed for her family, it felt wrong to Serena that it was a vampire that was teaching her how to be a witch.

Serena rose from her chair, it's legs scraping along the wooden floor of the Victorian styled library, it's sound piercing the silence, a sound that Serena welcomed. She closed the grimoire and placed it back into its spot among the hundreds of other grimoires that lined the further most wall of the library. After she closed the doors to the room in which she spends most of her time, she listened as the magic that protects her family's heirlooms seals the room once again, keeping all that knowledge away from prying eyes and out of the hands of others.

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