February: Broken Heart Of Mine

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I whispered to him, soft, as I lowered my head;
"You're too late, I'm afraid, I'm already dead. . ."
Tears drifted from his eyes as I collapsed to the ground;
With my last, final, breaths, I looked around.
"See the sky. . . so crystal clear. . ."
He whispers, "soon you'll be there my dear. . ."
Is that rain from above? Or just his tearfilled eyes?
Perhaps it's both? I've always loved the skies. . .

The ground stained red with blood around me;
The ground, crimson, all surrounding.
He pressed the cloth to my chest;
White stained red, perhaps here I'll rest.
"Please. . . don't leave me. . ."
"Of course my dear. Here I'll be."

He presses the cloth to the bullet hole;
Since when was this heartbeat so slow?

"I'm sorry Love. . ." his ragged breath;
"So sorry Love, to be your death."
I quiet him gently, his breathing slows;
The blood as red as the rose,
The rose he gave me for my health;
The rose to signify love and wealth.

"It's not your fault, you did what you must;"
I feel the passion in my blood.
The blood leaking out into the dust;
The blood My Love spilled, because he must.

Our hearts entwined in fire and flames;
Burning down, both, can't be tamed.
Leave behind nothing but ashes;
I feel the tears collect on my lashes.
I blink, and they fall like stars;
Burning crystals on my cheeks, they are.
"Shh. . . My Love, do not cry;
Remeber beauty, if you are to die."

Carefully, he wipes away;
The few tears that had gone astray,
The ghost of a smile makes its way to his lips;
Tearing through Sorrow's empty abyss.

I laugh gently, which only makes me cry;
I never wanted to say goodbye.

He says not a word, but to me, he leans down;
His eyes, warm and brown,
Are captured in an unusual sorrow;
We both know I won't make it to tommrow.

His lips, so familiar, soft in embrace;
His lips, give my own, a saving grave.

I get so lost, I don't notice the pain;
Nothing could take this freedom away.

Somewhere there, my skin becomes cold;
But my heart stays, one of gold.
Somewhere there, my limbs leave me;
I know I'm dying, but how can it be?

Death? Where is thy bitter sting?
The part where I lose everything.

My eyes go hollow, their color fades;
My spirit now, has gone away. . .

She's gone away;
Why should I stay?
Since My Love has died;
Leaving me with this broken heart of mine.

Hello broken heart of mine;
I claim thee as thine.
Spin me your tale of gold;
Tell me how you because so cold. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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