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Hey everyone I guess I'm back again😂😂

This book is actually my book that I've written but I would encourage anyone to read it really.

It's called "We Can Never Be Together" by me but my username is Dat_Millsie_Audrey

The book is a drama, love story, romance, and fanfic obviously. Max and Harvey both like the one girl, but it gets really good I promise!

So basically what it is about is a girl named Bree and she moves to Berkshire for a reason that you'll find out in the book, and she hates boys and only finds them as friends and nothing more. Of course, until she meets Max and Harvey, but she doesn't like them right away.

There's like 42 chapters or something so I would say it's pretty long.

There's also a sequel called "True Love is Forever" but no spoilers for that!

Go read them please! Not desperate, but I've gotten many good comments about the book so I think you should read it!


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