Chapter 21

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Kayla's POV

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Kayla's POV

I woke up the next morning to see Izzy and Lydia were no longer in the room. I just sit there for a minute and process everything. This is actually happening, I'm marrying Alec today. I cannot contain the smile on my face. I get up and head back to my room and shower real quick and change into:

After I was done I head to the front of the institute to find Isabelle running around

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After I was done I head to the front of the institute to find Isabelle running around. I make my way over to her.

" hey Izzy!" I said and she stops what she's doing and smiles at me.

" hey kay or should I say Ms. soon to be light wood, ah I can't believe you're going to be my actual sister within a couple of hours." She squeals and hugs me. I laugh and hug her back.

" I know it's crazy to think the day is finally here." I tell her and she just looks at me for a moment before speaking up.

" is everything ok ? Something on your mind?" She asks me and I shake my head.

" No , no it's nothing I promise but have you seen Alec I want to talk to him about something." I asked her and she shakes her head.

" no, nope sorry it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, you can talk to him after the wedding." She says and I go to argue against her but she gives me a knowing look.

" I'm sorry kay , I told Alec the same thing when he came looking for you, and you better not go looking for him because he is with Jace until the wedding. " she says.

" come on Iz..." I go to say before she cuts me off.

" sorry kay, take some time for yourself , but remember what time you need to start getting ready, alright I gotta go finish some last minute stuff up bye!" She says quickly before taking off. I just groan and run my hands through my hair.

Since I couldn't talk to Alec I decided to go visit my parents graves for a bit. I just sit there for a bit, remembering all the good times we had. I miss them a lot , especially my mom at a time like this. I wish she was here with me.

" Mom, Dad I hope that I have made you proud of me." I say to their gravestones.

" Kayla, you have made them extremely proud. Don't ever doubt that. I am even proud of the woman and shadowhunter you've become. Alec is one very lucky guy." I hear from beside me and look to see that it is Lydia. She comes and sits beside me. I lay my head on her shoulder.

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