Little Did They Know

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Little did they know that I'm hurt
Even if it's obvious

Little did they know I was sick
I have no choice

Little did they know I feel guilty for every wrong against me
Even when he cheated on me

Little did they know that I have a faint scar on my arm that says "Perfect"
Because that's what I have to be for the world

Little did they know that I've been beat
And they don't understand why I have a hard time with coordination

Little did they know i was trained on a timer
When the timer went off I was beat if I wasn't done

Little did they know I have a stab wound
From the frustration of my siblings

Little did they know that I've been harrased, hurt, and tortured by my cousin
I'm scared of my family

Little do they know that I always dread waking up in the morning
Because I know that I'd have to take everyone's critisism, and everyone's B-S

Little do they know I'm held by society
My every move receives judgement

Little do they know that I'm only human
And that everyone has their flaws

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