Are we there?

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"Are we there..." He asks, as he had his eyes closed and had fallen asleep the whole journey. "I think so." She says pulling up to a dock. He opens his eyes, sitting up as he stretches his limbs in the air. looking towards the docks. "Huh." "What?" She looks at him as she turns the boat off tying it to the dock.

She grabs his hand and pulls him towards her wrapping her arms around his waist and looking up at him. "Me neither." She says looking down and putting her head on his chest.
He caresses her hair gently, nuzzling into her hair. He closes his eyes, letting the fact that they made it out alive sink in. "I think it's time we figure out where we go from here." She said pulling away still holding onto his waist.

"Yeah.." He finds a way out of the docks, gently pulling her along with him. She followed him as they walked onto a busy street with people staring at them like they were raw meat. Scott glared at the people who were staring at them, quickly crossing the street so they don't end up getting run over.

Alexia stops, stopping Scott as they were holding hands. She looks up at the building of apartments before pulling him into the building. She walks up the stairs and uses a key on the keys to open one of the doors and walks in. "Nifty. You lived around here?"

She laughs faintly. "No. But the keys on the key chain those guys dropped had the name of the apartments and the apartment number on one of the keys." She says jingling the keys. She closes the door. "Very nifty." He waits for Alexia to lead the way, looking around the interior of the apartment.
She walks around the hallway walking towards a room. "I'm going to assume whoever lived here lived alone." She says walking out of the room and running into Scott. "Oof. S-sorry." She stutters looking up at him.
He tuns to face her, smirking as he wrapped her around in his arms. "Why apologize? I love it when you run into me like that." "It's a h-habit." She says stuttering. "From M-Matt." She says looking down. He pouts slightly, moving his hand under her chin to tilt her up to look at him. "It's a habit I'm used to." He teased slightly. She kisses him softly. "I know." She smiles faintly.

"Shall we settle in, then?" He asks.

"Not just yet." She says walking back to the door and locking it, then walking into the kitchen to look for food.

He nods, before going to explore the apartment by himself. She finds a lot of meat and pulls 4 good sized pork chops out of the freezer and starts cooking them. She finds potatoes and cuts those up to fry them. About an hour later she has food cooked. "Scott?" She calls into the apartment. She carries stuff to the table setting it down in an orderly manner. "Yeah?" He calls out as he was exploring the bedroom. He backs out soon after, walking toward the table.

"Dinner." She said pointing to the table the opening the fridge to find a lot of beer, and some pop. "Beer or coke?" She holds both up looking at him.
"Hmm...." Scott rubs his chin for a moment, squinting his eyes until he made up his mind. "How 'bout both?"
She smirks. "I knew there was another reason behind why I love you." She says opening 2 beers and and 2 cokes before sitting down. He chuckles, before sitting down opposite her on the table. Scott grabs both the coke and beer, tilting his head up upwards before pouring some of it into his mouth. "Mmm.." He puts his drinks down, wiping his mouth as he tutted. "Odd taste." She laughs faintly. "That's because Jack goes in coke. Not beer you dork."

He shrugs, taking a bite out of his own pork chop, licking the oil on his lips. She watches him as he takes a bite waiting for his reaction to make sure she didn't do a bad job. "Mhm... this taste pretty good, babe." He says to her smiling. "But that won't be the only thing I'll be eating tonight..." He winks at her, taking another bite from the pork chop. She blushes faintly finishing her food and taking it to to the kitchen.
Scott finishes his food much later, wiping his hands with a serviette after he swallowed his food. He picks up his plate, heading into the kitchen.

Alexia takes his plate and sticks it in the dishwasher her ass in a pretty good view. He gazes down at her ass while he waits to put his plate in, arching an eyebrow and smirking as he licked his lips. She turned around running into him making the plate fall. She catches it quickly before it falls turning around and putting it in the dishwasher as well. "Heh, nice catch, babe." He spoke, still gazing at her ass as she puts the other plate in the dishwasher. "Heh. Thanks." She says rubbing the back of her neck as she stands up closing the dishwasher and starting it.

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