Supernatural Facts

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             Just some facts about the supernatural that wasn't shown in the show or I added. Not necessary to read, but will be helpful to understand the story.

Info includes Mates, Werewolf Mating Effects, Witches/Warlocks


        Mating is the souls of 2 people, no matter the creature, bonding or becoming one. Many supernatural species can mate, but not all have the ability to create the soul bond, such as humans, those species can still mate, they just don't have the ability to create the bond, unless the other species has the ability. Any creature can mate with another creature. Such as humans, banshees, and witches/warlocks not being able to create the mate bond, but if they are with a were-creature or something supernatural that can create a mate or soul bond, they can mate. A person of any gender, species, race, sexuality (basically anything) can create a soul bond with a person of any gender, species, race, sexuality (basically anything). The mate bond is for life and can't be broken unless one of the 2 dies. The mate bond leaves a physical mark on the recipient of the bond. The type of physical mark will vary depending on if they're the same type of creature or different creatures, that are mating. Such as if 2 werewolves (no matter the gender or something) mated they would both leave bite marks that would scar on the other and the scar would never disappear unless the other dies. If a species such as human, banshee, or witch/warlock were to mate with a supernatural creature that can make the bond, the physical mark would only be on the human, banshee, or witch/warlock and the mark would only disappear if the person that they bonded with dies. If the pair mate it is a choice that both of the pair decided they were ready for. Some say if people mate they are made for each other. That is supported by the fact that some people have tried mating to specific people and failed and the mate bond was not made. But others believe it is about the souls being ready for each other, which is supported by the fact that some people who tried to mate early in life were unable to mate to each other, but were able to mate to each other later in life.

Werewolf Mating Effects

This applies to whether the pairs are both wolves or if only 1 is a wolf and has a mate of any different species, supernatural or human. Werewolves do experience heats or ruts, but only after they have mated. It is NOT all sexual. Female werewolves experience what is called a heat and male experience what is called a rut. But it is NOT all sexual. When a wolf is in its respective heat or rut or if both of the mated pair are wolves in their respective ruts or heats, they just have the desire to protect and be close to their mate. Whether they have sex or not is a choose they both make and the rut or heat or both or 2 of one of them can not make them if they don't want to. If one or both are on the ASEXUAL spectrum it DOESN'T make them suddenly SEXUAL or like sex if they are repulsed by it. When dealing with a heat or rut or both or 2 of one of them, the mated pair usual avoid other people and keep to themselves because if a wolf feels that anyone wishes to harm their mate they can become extremely violent and deadly. In this state if someone attempts to flirt with or takes a romantic interest in or sexually pursues their mate, the wolf will likely try and kill the person who attempted to pursue the mate. In this state if a wolf hurts their mate, intentionally or accidentally and minor or major injury and whether it's emotional or physical, the wolf will most likely try and kill themselves for the pain they caused their mate. Heats and ruts only last a week to 2 weeks. When in rut, males can knot and it lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Again this does means that if they are asexual, that they will suddenly like sex if they didn't like it before or want to have it if they didn't want to have it before. If the pair has sex and what they do during it is up to them, a rut or heat or both or 2 of one of them can not make do anything they don't want to.


Witches or Warlocks are people who are connected to nature. Witch is the term used for females and warlock is a term used for males. They have great power and can do great things. But they are not all powerful and unstoppable, they have limits. Witches/Warlocks magic is limited by how much they can spiritual and are spiritual connected to nature and if they use another source of power (a person, object, place, etc) to do a spell. Witches/Warlocks can heal, use magic to harm, grow things, fix broken objects, talking to the dead, and more. But they can't manipulate emotions, such as making people fall in love or something, can't bring people back from the dead, can't see the future, make a species another species such as making a bitten werewolf a human again or making a human a supernatural creature. Witches/Warlocks use an object, most often a piece of jewelry or something that they can have on them at all times and not raise suspicion, to help focus and control their powers. They need words to do a spell or if it's a basic or simple spell, no words are needed at all, such as causing blood vessels in the brain to pop by focusing their music and glaring at someone (no magic focus object needed). Humans cannot become a witch or warlock, they can only be born or have the potential for it in their blood. Race can not influence if they are a witch/warlock. No one knows how witches/warlocks came to be, but some humans have tried using magic or to become a witch or warlock and it killed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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