Chapter 2: Friends?

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Ugh science really makes me Scientifically Crazy hahaha...ha....huh..and here I go again talking to myself wait, this is worse i'm laughing by myself ahhhhhh!!!!

" Well,well,well look bro she's gone crazy just because you haven't talked to her for the last 2 hours hahaha!"

Great the annoying boys are here for short anboys yeah I totally made it up cool right? haha!!. Ok I'll stop now

"look she's daydreaming about you hahaha you must be really crazy for him huh?! Hahaha!!"

My attention was immediately turned to them.

"Haha" i laughed softly and of course sarcastically "I thought we already talked about this" then I slowly turned my head to them with my death inviting eyes "didn't I tell you.... Don't you dare tell anyone especially me what I should feel, say, or even what I should be thinking! Cause its like your saying you know better on how I feel than I do....the actual human being with a soul that only I have! so fu**in stay away from me got that you as***es!!!!!!!!?"

With that they ran away like a bunch of babies...which is really amusing, but what really got my attention was, their faces while I was shooting them my death inviting stares or as they call them for short death glares. They looked like they saw some kind of ghost or something......hahahahaha!!!!!

"Hahahahaha!, so what are we laughing about huh?"

I almost fell off my chair when I saw Lovely suddenly show up in front of me, and what's worse is that her, suddenly laughing with me! I thought she was some kind of witch!!

"Oh my Goodness you almost gave me a heart attack!, what do you want?!"

"Hahaha you look so cute when you're frightened..... hahaha!!!"

What did she say to me I look c..c..cute?!, has she gone insane?! Or does she have eye problems?!

"No i'm not insane nor do I have eye problems, its like you're saying no one's ever told you, you look Gorgeous!"

I looked at her with a confused face

"Hahaha... ha..ha....ha..huh.... So you mean no one's ever told you you look Gorgeous?"

"No" , I said sadly and confusely

"Oh, well..... you are beautiful.... I mean like gorgeous as in just-----"

"Okay,okay, I got it but you shouldn't pity me just because no one else has ever said I look pretty---"

Then she cut me off saying.....

" I'm telling you the truth you are beyond beauty, Val, believe me"

She said seriously.

"Okay, ... but don't you think your exaggerating it too much----"

And there she goes again cutting me off , seriously it's getting annoying.

"Seriously i've seen girls who are beautiful but you, are like I said before be---"

"What? Beyond beauty? Look i'm sorry for this but I think, you're just hungry how about you come with me and lets ea----"

"Look i'm telling you the truth and i'm gonna find a way to prove it to you!, got that? And you're right c'mon I need to eat let us commence the eating at the cafeteria, my new bestie, Val!"

What did she just say?...  b..b..bestie?

"What did you say?"

"What?, you mean bestie?"

"Yeah.., wait don't people only say that to a person if they're close friends?"

"Well duh! Obviously now let's go, i'm starving to death Val, lets eat!"

"Wait,wait,wait, hold on a minute, Since when did we become besties?"

"Duhh?!, since the beginning of time obviously?!, now lets eat hurry up!"

"What?!, wait a minute, hold on!!---"

And the next thing I knew she was dragging me to the cafeteria,.. but what did she mean earlier by....

"Duh! Since the beginning of time!"

Ugh you know what I'll just ask her later, for now she's right, we need to eat I my self am also starving!

"Wow! That was one satisfying lunch!"

Huh!, for once I actually agree with her , but there's no way in hell i'm telling her that!, I mean we just met a few hours ago! ........But somehow I'm feeling this thing they call unexplainable emotion,.. its like I feel happy and at the same time excited but, you know what? I'm actually happy to have a friend even if she's really weird, I guess it's time to say goodbye to the sorrowful and lonely yesterday and welcome the new life having a new friend, thank you. Lovely. 

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