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Sehun's pov:
Today we have a fan meet in SM's coex atrium. We were holding it after a long time. I was happy to meet exols after a long time. We said our greeting to our fans and the screams were louder as usual. I was excited to see so many of them. Every one of us was introducing ourselves and I was introducing myself too when a particular person caught my eye. She was on the 2nd row. I couldn't help but notice this person as she was interested in talking to the person beside her than listening to us and I found it a bit annoying as it was unusual for fans to do that. From that moment onwards I constantly kept an eye on her. She was talking with that person for the whole time. Finally it was time for the fan sign.
I couldn't help but notice that the girl and that guy were constantly talking with each other even while taking autograph. When she reached beside Baekhyun hyung I noticed that she was cute. She was wearing a blue suit and a white shirt. She kept her hair in a neat ponytail. And she was wearing round glasses which I thought was too big for her small and cute face. She was talking with Baek hyung in English. Wait!! She was talking in English?? And the person beside her was translating what she was saying in Korean. I don't know why but I smiled at that and relaxed. Previously I was annoyed with her but now I smiled at how I misjudged her. I wanted to know what she was talking with Baek hyung so I leaned a little closer to hyung. I just hope no one notices my move. I leaned to listen to them talking but I couldn't hear it properly as she had small voice and hyung too replied her in a whisper like voice. Why is he whispering?? He never whispers. Why now??
I was just waiting for her to come to my place. Finally she moved forward and it was my turn to give her an autograph. She was so cute when she smiled at me. Wait OH SEHUN!! What are you thinking? I looked at her and was signing the album when I saw that she had papers in her hand. I couldn't help myself as I asked; 'what are those papers that you are holding?'
The person beside her translated that to her and she smiled again as she replied; ''oh! I didn't have your album so I wanted to get signatures anyhow and I didn't have anything but these. But Chen ssi was considerate of me and gave me an album and signed it.' Hearing this I was annoyed again n I don't know why. Why does Chen hyung have to be so generous all the time?? If he wasn't then I could give her the album and she would be happy coz of me. But wait why didn't she have our album? I was curious and asked her that and the person beside her translated it. She replied 'the tickets were a surprise gift to me and I visited Korea for a conference. So I didn't have the album.' The guy translated that too. I too want to do something for her. What do I do? What do I do?
Then it struck me, "give me that paper.' She handed me one of the paper. Then I signed it for her and even made a smiley face. Looking at the paper she smiled wider than before and she looked pretty. WHAT?? No she was not looking pretty. Argh... what am I even thinking? That all went down the drain when she grabbed my hand and thanked me. YES!! She is happy coz of me. I did it. I mentally highfived myself at the achievement.

After finishing the fan sign event we had prepared a special event for our fans. We wanted to meet with them one on one and talk with them more. So the management and we decided that we will choose 9 lucky person and meet with them one on one backstage where cabins were prepared. It was through a lucky draw. I was hoping a certain someone would get selected too as I wanted to talk with her and see her smile again. I was so happy when her chair number was selected that I almost jumped on the stage. Luckily everyone was focusing on what Suho hyung was announcing that they didn't notice me or so I thought.

After announcing the lucky fans we went backstage to prepare for the talk. There were no camera or phones allowed so all of us could talk freely with the fans. The fans were given 10 minutes to chat with one member at a time. I was excited to meet n chat with the fans. I was more excited to see someone.
I was so surprised when the first fan that visited me was her. She knocked on the door and I asked her to come in and sit. She smiled her beautiful smile and sat. I was nervous for some reason but I started the conversation; 'what's your name? I'm sorry I couldn't ask u earlier.'
'I'm Ayana. I am so happy that I cud meet you guys. I never thought I could meet you someday. It's like my dream come true. I wanted to tell you that I love you for who you are. you are so talented n perfect.'
She said that all in one go. I couldn't understand her other than her name. But the smile on her face told me that she was happy meeting me and was cheering for me.
Fans cheering for us have always been special but I don't know why hers was even more special. I gave her a confused face and she handed me a paper. There it was written what she said in Korean. I just laughed reading it. Then it was her who was confused. 'Me too happy... meet you' I said.
She laughed good naturedly at my failed attempt in replying her in English. At that moment I regretted, not learning English with Suho hyung. Damn I should have taken those English classes along with hyung. I was embarrassed but seeing her laugh that way I couldn't help myself but to laugh with her. Her laugh was contagious n thinking about that my attempt at English didn't seem that bad.

I just remembered that she came with a boy and though he was translating for her I wanted to know her relation with her. Argh... when did I became so nosy? I couldn't control myself and asked "the person you came with who is he?'
She didn't understand and I asked again 'boy... u came... Who?"
She then replied,'Ohh!! My friend'
"Just friend?''
I was so happy at her reply that I laughed. Looking at me she smiled her cute smile too n I thought 'You are pretty'
She gave me a shocked face n I realized that I had said that out loud. 'Shit!! I said that aloud'
I cursed in Korean. Thank the heavens that she didn't understand that. Cursing in front of a girl, SEHUN what are you doing. That's not how you make an impression. I am really trying hard now aren't i?
Then I calmed myself and made a finger heart sign for her, well love and fan service both need no language. She blushed at that and I fell for her again. My heart was beating erratically.
She started 'I would love to take a picture with you but I guess I can't do that as phones were not allowed' she said that making hand gestures n I understood that she was referring to taking pictures. She pouted at that and she looked cuter if that's even possible.
Just then the bell rang signalling the time was up. Then she asked for a handshake and I gladly took her hand. Then she left bidding me farewell.
Time sure flies fast when you are with someone you want to spend a long time with. I couldn't take that damn pic... wait I can with my phone I thought, 'She would be in baek hyung's cabin last and I can go and take a pic with her.'
That lifted my mood and I chatted with all the other fans as enthusiastically as I could.
When the last bell rang I hurried to go to Baek hyung's cabin but when I opened the door Baek hyung was alone. I asked him 'where's Ayana??'
He replied, 'she just left.'
I was sad hearing that.
Hyung said,' I know you liked her but some things are not meant to be. It's ok. My baby's growing up.' And he patted my head.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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