chapter 3

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**ZEAK'S P.O.V.**

I woke up with two strong arms wrapped around my waist. All the memories from last night came rushing back to me. I couldn't help but smile really big. I turned my body around so I was facing Josh. He looked so cute and perfect while he was sleeping with his lips slightly parted. Words can not describe the way I feel right now. I Ezekiel James Pearson just can't get over the fact that i'm dating my bestfriend Joshua Grey Miller. It's a dream come true, I've always liked Josh more then my best friend. I just never told him because I didn't wanna freak him out plus I didn't think he was gay.

I looked over at his clock and it read 7:30, school doesn't start for another hour but I needed a shower and I know Josh would want one too. So before I woke Josh up, I took my shower first. I took my time bathing with Josh's black luffa and his amazingly smelling Deep Dive Addidas body wash and shampoo. When I got out, I put on a pair of Josh's dark blue skinny jeans and a purple and yellow Los Angeles Jersey with BRYANT and the number 24 on the back of it. When I went back into his room I found him still asleep. We still had 40 minutes until we had to be at school so he needed to get up and get ready. While walking over to his bed quietly, I straddled his waist and slowly started kissing up his naked chest until I reached his neck. When I reached his neck, I started sucking on his sweet spot. After a few seconds I heard him moan out loud.

"Mmmm you really need to stop before you make me loose control and we wouodn't want that right now because then we would be late to school" he said "But... That was a wonderful way to wake up" he leand up and kissed me sweetly.

"Good, get use to it cuz it gunna be happening a lot more" I mumbled on his lips.

He climbed out of bed only wearing a pair of black Calvin Kline boxer shorts. I could feel myself getting hard just from looking at him. "Zeak" he said chuckling. "Stop staring at me. and take care of your friend" he said and walked into the bathroom. I could feel myself blushing hard from his comment.

On the way to school he drove with one hand on the wheel and the other laced through mine.

"Josh?" I asked quietly.

"Yes baby"

'Are you gunna tell your parents about us?" I asked nervously.

"Yes. Right after school when they get home. What about you, are you gunna tell yours" he asked.

"No I don't need to. Apparently when it's just me and you, I look at you like your the ground I walk on according to my mom and dad" I answered laughing lightly.

"I've never noticed. I guess I just never thought that we would be together like this" He answered honestly. "And if you don't wanna come out to the school right away I understand. I know how you get when people talk about you, and when we come out that's what's gunna happen. If you wanna wait three weeks when schools out i'll understand" He told me. Awwww he's so cute and sweet. I feel guilty about him saying that he'll understand if I don't want us to come out. Don't get me wrong, I would go on every T.V. and radio show and tell the world that I was with him. I just get really nervous and have panic attacks when everyone talks about me.

"No. I wanna come out with you if that's what you wanna do" I answered honestly.

"Okay. If your sure you wanna do this then we will come out in lunch where everyone can see" he said and winked at me. Oh God when he winks at me it turns me on so much. He really does need to stop winking at me so much.

"Okay sounds good" I said and leaned over to kiss his cheek. Walking down the halls we held hands but we did that all the time just messing around and everyone knew that, we've never done anything that indicated that we weren't playing around so when Josh pulled me on his lap and kissed me in front of everyone, not a sound was made in the whole room. When we looked up everyone was staring at us. 

"You can all stop staring now, God, can't I kiss my own boyfriend without everyone staring at us" Josh said and I swear at least 10 peoples eyes popped out of their head in shock. But no one said anything after that. Everyone just turned back around and started talking and eating again.

"Okay is this another one of yalls jokes or is this for real" our friend Ty asked.

"No this is for really" Joshy answered for us"Okay then cool, whatever" Ty said.

After that the day went by super fast and before I knew it we were headed off back to Josh's house to tell his parents about us.



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