chapter 12 - overgrown house plant

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third person pov;

upon arriving at the airport, wyatt couldn't stay still. his stomach was churning, and his head was spinning. he was pacing around his large group of "supporters", who were getting annoyed to say the least. "calm down, wyatt." "she'll be here soon." "just chill, she'll be happy to see you." but alas, nothing made a difference. wyatt was terrified. what if tia didn't like him? what if she didn't want to see him? it was too much. he just wanted to hold the girl he had grown to love, to tell her how he felt. but he knew that he couldn't. he couldn't jeopardise their friendship like that. so he continued to pace around, eager to see tia's face and hear her voice in person.

tia, on the other hand, was dying. she'd been dragged off the plane, collected her stuff and throw into the airport toilets. "why are you putting makeup on me?" she asked, an exasperated tone to her voice. "because." was the only response she received from shannon, and when questioning that natalie could only reply with; "because she said because." needless to say, tia was getting suspicious of their actions and attitudes. she gave up her face to layers of makeup, and even struggled into the outfit that was thrust in her face. when the 3 amigos left the toilets, and she saw the airport signs, however, she felt like every emotion hit her at once. "why are we in la?"



the chosen one x

my sunshine shannon x

hey, where are you?

wyatt's freaking out

we're like 5 minutes away

wait, i think i see you

we're going past starbucks?




oh shoot, hide wyatt

we can't risk tia seeing him

you hold a valid point

see you shortly, my lovely lady xxx

see you in a minute, baby xx


third person pov;

"there she is. the most beautiful angel to walk this earth. miss tia vincent." that's what was running through wyatt's noodle-covered head as he caught sight of tia, huddled between her two best friends. the boy was currently hidden behind an overgrown house plant, which conveniently his him from tia's view. what he didn't realise is that tia was desperately trying to find an excuse in her head to not be there right now. school? no, they were on break. her parents? they obviously knew. youtube? she only needed to edit that week's video. she heard an oh-so-familiar laugh, one that belonged to none other than jaeden lieberher, and her head whipped around. "tell me you're joking?" she said to her best friends, whom only looked at one another in response. and with that, an ear-piercing scream of joy left tia's lips.

at the scream, wyatt's head popped up and he locked direct eye contact with the girl he was here to meet. "tia-" was the only word that could leave her lips before he took off running in her direction. "wyatt!" tia cried, dropping her stuff and running towards the boy whom she gave her heart to. their arms flung out, as they met wyatt had picked tia up in a heart-warming hug. his arms were securely around her waist, and hers were tightly around his shoulders. as they pulled away from each other, their eyes met and both had tears flowing down their faces. "hey.." tia mumbled, her hands now gripping wyatt's shirt. "hi.." he responded quietly, pulling her in for another hug.

fools - wyatt oleff x ocWhere stories live. Discover now