Welcome To Yokai Academy

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Ryan, Eoin, Paddy and Jake stepped out of the portal and on to a sidewalk with a bus stop to their left.
Eoin:Where are we now?

Jake:Don't care, once I can finally have a bit of peace I'm happy.
Deikin appeared beside them.
Deikin:Welcome to the world of Rosario+Vampire boys.

Jake:Ah, for fuck sake!

Paddy:What? Why are you reacting like that?

Jake:No reason you're gonna find out. Well, at least I liked it while I was watching it, it's funny at some parts.

Ryan:I'm completely lost right now...

Jake:We're in the world of an anime that had a lot of fan-service.

Eoin:Oh God!...

Deikin:The school that you boys are going to is full of monsters and most of your weapons will prove ineffective.

Ryan:Most? That means some will work, right?

Deikin:Yes! You'll still do some damage with these...
He handed them a list.

Effective weapons
Eoin:Tri-Shot Crossbow and Nova Bombs.
Paddy:Hammers of Dawn and his Pole-Axe.
Jake:Arc charged weapons and Pressure Waves.
Ryan:Blades Of Chaos and Red-Phoenix Rockets.

Jake:That's it!?

Deikin:Afraid so, boys. But you're other weapons will work as suppression.

Paddy:What you mean by that?

Deikin:The Firearms you possess will work as stunning weapons, the Models, W1200 and M21 are significantly better than the revolvers, Hawkmoon and M1911.

Jake:What about Ryan's incendiary rounds? Surely they'll do something?

Deikin:Yes they will actually, but not much... Just maybe longer stun because of the fact whatever he shot WOULD BE ON FIRE.

Jake:Jesus, no need to be an ass I'm just asking.
A yellow school bus pulled up and the doors opened revealing a very creepy bus driver.

Creepy Bus Driver:You're the other guys going to Yokai, right?

Deikin:Yes, they are. Good luck boys, find that Ray Sphere.
They all boarded the bus and sat down in the middle seats. The bus was empty other than Creepy Bus Guy and another guy sitting a little ahead of them talking on his phone. Once they entered a tunnel he seemed to have lost the phone's signal.

Jake:No signal?
He turned looking at the four of them confused but still smiled.
???:Looks like it, my name's Tskune Aono.

Jake:I'm Jake, this is Eoin...



Paddy: What's up!

Jake:And Ryan...


Tskune:You're accents don't sound familiar.

Ryan:We're, uh... Exchange students? Yeah, no, that's what we are.

Tskune:You sure?

The bus stopped just outside the tunnel. They all stepped out. In front of the bus was a creepy old forest. To the left was an ocean and behind the forest way in the back was the school itself. They all walked together through the woods until Tskune somehow got lost and was separated from the group.

Paddy:Wait, somebody's missin'.

Eoin:Tskune by the looks of things.

Jake:Eh, he'll be ok let's just keep going.

Eoin:You sure?

Jake:He's the main character of course he will.
Cut to the four in a corridor of sorts.
Ryan:This is it, Room 13.
They opened the door to find that they were late to class.
Jake:Sorry we're late miss.

Paddy:Got a bit lost.

???:That's fine! I'm Miss Nekonome, why don't you introduce yourselves!?

I'm Jake
I'm Paddy
My name is Eoin
And I'm Ryan.

Miss Nekonome:Great to meet you! just take those seats in the middle there.
They took their seats not even noticing that Tskune was to their left.
Tskune(Thinking):It's the same guys from the bus, did they even notice me?
As if on cue Paddy and Ryan, who were sitting closest to him, Ryan behind Paddy, turned to him. Paddy fist bumped him.
Ryan:Alright man? Sorry about losin' ya in the woods.

Tskune:I actually met a girl while I was alone.


Ryan:Who was she?

???:Sorry I'm late everyone! I'm Moka Akashiya! TSKUNE!!!! I CANT BELIEVE WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASS!!!!
She dived on Tskune nearly knocking Paddy over with the amount of momentum she had. Miss Nekonome explained the school was for monsters and the look on Tskune's face made Paddy and Jake suspect that he isn't actually a monster. (The same thing that happened to Eoin in the last book is happening to Jake, he can't remember what happens from now on.) after class Moka, Jake, Paddy, Tskune, Ryan and Eoin were all walking down the hallway while everyone was staring at them with envy of Tskune as he had Moka clinging onto his arm.

Eoin:You seem to be popular in this school, Moka.

She was clearly in dreamland while clinging to Tskune.
They left the building and went to a vending machine to get something to drink. They all sat down except for Paddy who was kneeling on the ground and Ryan who was standing beside Tskune. Somebody came over and picked Tskune up by his tie. It was Saizou, he was sitting in front of Paddy in the class and seems like an asshole.

Saizou:Hey beautiful.

Ryan:Why, thank you! Now, mind putting him down?
He pointed one of the Blades at the brute.

Saizou:Sure thing.
He threw Tskune into the vending machine, breaking it and spilling  all the cans out onto the ground. Moka, Paddy, Eoin and Jake ran up to Tskune and looked him over.

Ryan:The fuck's your problem?
Saizou slapped Ryan away back into the school through the door they came from.
Saizou:Why are you hanging out with these losers? Come and hang with me for the day.
Moka stood up and looked at him angrily.
Moka:I hang around with them because they are nice people unlike you! Come on guys!
Paddy picked up Tskune and put his arm around his neck and carried him back to the door as Ryan came back up to it dazed.
Moka:Are you okay, Ryan?

Ryan:What year is it?

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