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Someone was calling me, but I really didn't want to get up. I was too sleepy. Wrapping my blankets tighter over my body, I turned on my side to try to avoid whoever was calling me.


Finally giving in to the annoying human, I opened my eyes, still facing the wall. "Hmm?" I replied groggily, sitting up slowly to face my younger sister, Wendy Marvell.

She really wasn't a blood family member, but we took her in and officially welcomed her into our family after her mom abruptly disappeared. Wendy was devastated, and all she would do when we found her was cry. Her only thing that she had brought with her when she came was a tiny white cat, whom she had named Carla. The cat had some attitude for only being six, and whenever her owner seemed to be in trouble, Carla would meow really loudly and stand in front of Wendy.

Wendy was only six when her mother left. That was when she came with us.

My sister was still shaking me for emphasis that I needed to wake up, and fast. "You're going to be late for your first day of second year high!" Her brown eyes looked straight into my hazel ones and she was already dressed in her uniform for her middle school.

"Crap!" I exclaimed, and I threw my various blankets off of my petite body and rushed past Wendy to my closet, taking out my school outfit.

I threw the white blouse over my head and put on the cream tank sweater on top of it. I wiggled a gray skirt with blue stripes on the bottom on and fixed the matching striped tie around my neck. Running out of the room, I left a bewildered Wendy standing there, holding Carla in her arms. 

She cocked her head at me and waved goodbye to me, and climbed onto her bunk above mine. I returned the wave, jumped down the stairs with my backpack, and snatched a red apple off of the kitchen counter for breakfast.

I didn't even bother to wait for the bus.

So therefore, I started sprinting to school.


I arrived at school ten minutes before class started, pleased to see that I was still on time despite the tricky situation this morning. Seeing a familiar blonde head in the sea of high-schoolers, I chimed out, "Lu-chan!"

Lucy Heartfilia, whom I call Lu-chan, turned her head to see who called her. She looked overjoyed to see that it was me and she fought the crowd to get to me. "Levy-chan!" Lucy embraced me in a tight hug, right in the middle of the hallway.

"Thank goodness you're here!" she released her vice-like grip on me and put her perfectly manicured hands on my shoulders, "It feels like I haven't seen you all summer!"

I laughed and let her continue what she was saying. "Erza is the new class-principal this year! She is holding a welcome assembly at the gymnasium this morning to greet all students into the new school year," Lucy continued.

"That I am," Erza Scarlet strode up to us two, proudly showing off her special class-principal jacket that she wore on top of her uniform.

Lu-chan's school uniform was the same as mine, just as everybody else's too. 

I questioned my two friends, "We're still missing our other friends, Gray and Natsu, but then again they're almost always late. Hey, but where is Juvia?"

Erza chuckled and jabbed her thumb over to a space where a bluenette with hair that was tightly curled at the bases was jumping all over a raven-haired man. "Gray and Juvia are over there, don't they look-" The redhead cut off her own sentence when she realized that Gray didn't have any shirt on.

Lu-chan and I could see her stomp over to the two, and we followed, not wanting to miss an exciting moment go down. 

We could practically see the hearts in Juvia's blue eyes as she stared at Gray's bare chest.

"Gray Fullbuster!" Erza yelled, "You need to keep your clothes on on school grounds! It is against the rules and you might get kicked out by Principal Mavis!" She hit him on the head.

Gray looked down and yelped in surprise, "When did that happen?!" He ran off in search for his missing uniform shirt without caring to respond to Erza and Juvia jumped after him yelling, "Wait for Juvia, Gray-sama!"

Lu-chan, Erza, and I sighed. 

The intercom chimed, "We need Titania Erza Scarlet to report to the stage, I repeat Titania Erza Scarlet to the stage please."

I looked questionably at my redhead friend, but it was like she read my mind. "I got them to call me that on the intercom when I became class-president!" 

She puffed out her busty chest and bursted out of the room, reporting to the stage to start the assembly.

"Well I think that means that we have to go to the gym now," Lucy suggested. She started walking to the gym, where the assembly would be held, and asked me, "Have you seen Natsu anywhere? I haven't even heard from him in about a week now."

I giggled and jokingly poked my best friend's shoulder, "Why do you need to know? Do you have a crush on him or something?" I paused to let my question sink in.

Lu-chan started blushing and her face was flushed pink when I turned back to look at her. "No, no, no, no! There is no way I would be crushing on that baka who has his stomach as his brain!" She protested and held out her hands. 

"Sureeeeee Lu-chan," I teased. We arrived at the gym and saw most of the student population sitting or standing, waiting for the assembly to start. The teachers stood in the back, along with Principal Mavis and Vice-Principal Makarov.

Erza arrived on stage and tapped her microphone. "Hello and welcome to another year at FTA! I am hoping that this will be a great year for everybody, new and old! Classes will start soon-" She was cut off again, but not by herself this time.

Natsu Dragneel, our other friend sleepily walked onto the stage and said, "Okay, I'm here please don't mark me tardyyyy." He had absolutely no idea where he was standing, and he didn't know that a fuming Titania Erza was standing right next to him.

The fuming class-principal yelled and kicked Natsu off of the stage, (quite literally), and yelled at him for ruining her assembly speech.

It's only the first hour of second-year high, and two of my friends already got in trouble with Erza.

This is going to be a long year.


Hooray! First chappie is done and it is longer than all of my other ones! JOY


Word count: 1113

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