Awesome prizes

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YES!!! I know what your thinking finally you'll know what you get if you actually win one of these contest


-A honest 3+ line comment from me (the judge) on any three books of your choice and a vote if I liked the story.

-1st place winners will be added to the hall of fame.

-Will add the winners books to the Crazy Days reading list

-A dedication in one of my books (your choice) and also in the next competition.

-A shout out in the next competition and you can also choose the next theme

-You can also judge the next competition (optional)

-A shout out on my message board.


-Will be add to Sparked my interest reading list

-An honest comment from me on any books of your choice
-A shout out and a dedication 

-A shout out on my message board

Extra price : If you want I could use your entry in a chapter in any one of my books i will give you credit of course

-Flower xoxo                                                                                                                                                                      

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