W a i t- RantTime-

33 4 9

So. You guys can skip this- XDD
I've literally been rewatching the new SS Video for like- an hour-
B U T-
I noticed things. I know I'm late but I'm proud of myself lemme have this-
Also- people are now starting to ship Deceit and Virgil-
Mkay! So. This is when Deceit first shows up-

(Fabulous-)He's not looking at Thomas OR The camera like the others do

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He's not looking at Thomas OR The camera like the others do...He's looking at Virgil,

This is when Virgil first sees Deceit

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This is when Virgil first sees Deceit...He instantly glares at him.
Also- I don't think we've ever seen Virgil this mad...

With the new outfits- the cat onesie that Logan gave Patton is now always what he wears instead of his normal cardigan...

This is before Patton actually appears- (also, there was no Patton rising, he appeared just like Virgil which means in theory Virgil is also a dark side, just not as bad as Snek Boi-)

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This is before Patton actually appears- (also, there was no Patton rising, he appeared just like Virgil which means in theory Virgil is also a dark side, just not as bad as Snek Boi-)

This is before Patton actually appears- (also, there was no Patton rising, he appeared just like Virgil which means in theory Virgil is also a dark side, just not as bad as Snek Boi-)

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His cat onesie is on.
My bby came back-

Thomas' shirt changed the second Deceit showed up as himself

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Thomas' shirt changed the second Deceit showed up as himself.

Thomas' shirt changed the second Deceit showed up as himself

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to a skull.

And the uploading.
Thomas said that the release date for the new Sanders Sides Video would be Feb 2nd. He posted it a day after. He deceived us.
And the apology was also weird but that could just be Thomas being a smol bby who everyone should love- XDD

A N D-
Deceit really freaked me out...And I just kinda realised why...;-;
Because I don't think anyone's really seen Thomas be..mean ;3; And I said that to a friend and he said about how Virgil was in the beginning of the series but...Even then Virgil wasn't mean...he was sarcastic and honestly just very insecure since he was the outcast..
Also that's where I think Virgil was in the first two SS videos, he was with the dark sides. It's apparent that there's more than one bad personality trait people can have other than deceit and anxiety...And even if there aren't any more evil characters like Deceit...There'll be other characters anyway...Roman said "Others". Plural. Maybe they'll be a personality trait that can have two sides of them...More so than the rest of the Sides.

One thing I've noticed is the whole Redemption thing.
From the start people knew Virgil would have this whole redemption arc where he's finally accepted, maybe that's because of how he acted? He still cared about what the others thought of him, even if he tried not to show it.
However with Deceit....I think he should stay "evil" however cartoon-esc it may be :3
I think that if Deceit had a redemption video, he wouldn't have the same...vibe. And I'm scared that the connection he has with Virgil, the tension and almost...Violent atmosphere could change drastically.
A main reason people think that Deceit is going to have a redemption thingie is because of the video's title... "Can Lying Be Good?"...
It's very VERY Similar to "Can Anxiety Be Good?".
That video was where Virgil was finally properly accepted by the four into the group...
People are wondering if Because of this similarity, Deceit will turn out like Virgil...??? One thing I've noticed is that...He seems like he wanted to be listened to a lot by Thomas..Getting the others to make a whole deal out of the debate he created himself about his own opinions,...it seems like he wanted attention to be in the debate mainly...So that his views would be heard?
This can also be what Virgil wanted but didn't know how to do so...Thomas realised how important Anxiety is and he even said he's like "a super important alarm clock". Which proves my point about Virgil wanting to be listened to.
And many people have spoken about that as well...However, I think that Deceit just wanted attention on the debate since he made it and he wanted Thomas to feed into that darker, unreliable part of himself. But going back to if Deceit will have a redemption arc....I don't think so...Also the five of them have to be OKAY With another Side joining their lil group...The four were okay with Virgil since they realised he wasn't the bad guy...But with Deceit, it may be a different story...Thomas definitely knows how dangerous Deceit could potentially be...So I don't think he'd want Deceit near his buddies...Especially Patton due to the video....Logan as well. Roman....I don't know. I feel like...He's also vulnerable to being manipulated, it was even shown in the video...I feel like Deceit would use Roman's slight vainness against him, giving him so many compliments that it completely distracts him from the main thing he should be focused on, his friends....
But. One Side is most definitely not going to be okay with letting Deceit have a spot to stand in every video they do together....Virgil. Did you  s e e. How angry the bean was?! This can also mean that Deceit and Virgil have had...More than a few run ins with eachother, which is interesting :3

But yeah....
Imma stop there?
I think that's it....
I'm tired- XDD

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