The Explosion that Traumatized

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I made it to Lucy's base after the explosion I heard through the phone fifteen minutes ago. The house was obliterated! The walls and ceiling have crumbled down to the ground!

"Lucy! Lucy, where are you!?" I yelled, my heart beating fast.

I go inside the crumbled house and look around. There were people inside laying down on the ground with pools of blood but a few of them were walking out of the house injured.

With my peripherals, I spotted blonde. I quickly turn to the direction and saw Lucy laying on the ground, bleeding.

"Lucy! Oh my god, Lucy!"

I go on my knees and gently slap her cheeks so she can wake up. I feel her pulse but its beating was weak. Without a second thought, I grab Lucy bridal style and take her out of the destroyed house.

"You're going to be okay. I promise, you'll make it out alive, Luce!"

"Lucy! Oh my goodness, is she alive!? Please tell me she's okay!" A white haired woman shouts out, crying.

Her left arm was all messed up. Blood was dripping down her forehead and she had so many scars.

"She's okay but her beating is slow! It's completely weak! We have to take her to the hospital!"

"We can't! The two of you guys are wanted! If someone sees Lucy, they'll call the police just for the reward! They're not going to want to help Lucy, Natsu!"

"We have to take the risk! You and I both know that Lucy can't die like this. Please, you have to take her to the hospital. I'll go and take care of something."

"Take care of what?"

"My speciality is bombing things. And I'll go make that bastard pay. Now go! Every second is a waste of Lucy's time of life."

" hurts so bad." I hear Lucy say, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Don't worry, Lucy! It'll all be over soon. I promise." She says, taking her over to my unharmed car.

I take a deep breath, my heart aching just to see Lucy like that in pain. That bastard is going to pay for everything he's done to her. She doesn't deserve any of this darkness.

A car soon comes and out leaves Juvia with Gray inside the car. I widen my eyes and run towards their direction.

"Gray! What happened to him!? Hey, are you okay!?" I yell, opening the door for him.

"What happened!!? Please, tell me Lucy is okay! Please tell me she wasn't inside the house when the explosion occurred!" Juvia screams out, crying as she looks at me in horror.

"She was inside. Mira is taking her to the hospital right now. Lucy danger. She may not make it out alive." I announce, and Juvia gasps, going on her knees as she bawls out crying.

"N-No way. She can't possibly die."

"Natsu...I don't think I'll make it out alive either." Gray says, and I turn around.

"Hey! Don't you dare close your eyes! You hear me!? Don't you dare stop living 'cause I will go to Heaven and drag you back down to Earth! I can't lose you, Gray! We've been buddies since little kids! You cannot die on me now! Not ever." I said, one tear falling down my right eye.

First Gray.

"I'm dying, Natsu. Just accept the fact that I'll be gone."

"Gray-sama! Juvia isn't going to let you die! Natsu, you have to stay here for your own safety. Juvia will go and take Gray-sama to the hospital!" Juvia says, and I close the door for Gray.

"Okay. Please hurry to the hospital!"

The voice of Lucy comes back in my mind during the phone call before the explosion happened. I remember hearing her say how she was excited to begin an organization with me.

How she's happy that we're not enemies anymore.

"Hey! You wanna know something?" Lucy asks through the phone.


"I'm really happy that we're not enemies anymore. And...we can be official partners now. I would really like to work with you, Dragneel." She says, and I smile.

"Awesome! We're finally partners in crime! Thanks, Luce! I promise, I won't let you down! I'll protect you from harm."

"That's not at all necessary, Dragneel. I have my own army. Plus, I can protect myself. But, I guess a little extra set of hands wouldn't hurt anybody. Thank you...Natsu."

Before the explosion, she had finally said my first name for the first time. After that, that's when Mira comes and tells her the news about Juvia I heard over the phone.

I failed you, Lucy. I couldn't protect you from this explosion that had you seriously injured. I'm really sorry. You deserve the whole world and the entire universe.

But I promise'll be happy again.


Lucy is being taken care of inside a room by doctors. I told the doctor that I'll pay him for his silence and he agreed to it. Juvia made it to the hospital as well with Gray and they're currently attending him as well.

"Do you think Lucy will be alright, Mira? Juvia is afraid that she won't make it because of that explosion."

"I don't know, Juvia. But we're just going to hope for the best. She was close the explosion. I can't believe she didn't lose an arm or a leg."

"Don't even say that, Mira! Juvia is glad that Lucy has her whole body. She just hopes that Lucy will be alright because then, who will be the boss of the Celestial Cartel? Juvia doesn't think she even wants another boss other than Lucy."

"I have no clue. Maybe she'll hand over her organization to someone she really trusts. Like you."

"Juvia doesn't even know to handle a cartel! Maybe you should be the next boss of the Celestial Cartel, Mira. You're smart and really know how to handle things."

"We're just going to have to wait and see, Juvia. But, I'm sure Lucy will make it out alive. She's strong and too young and beautiful to die anyways. I'm positive she'll live."

Gray soon comes out of the room he was staying at with bandages over his shoulder. Juvia stands up and gives him a friendly hug.

"Juvia's glad you're okay. You were really reckless trying to get our guns, Gray-sama."

"I had to. They belong to us anyways."

The doctor comes out of Lucy's room but he has a look of disappointment. I stand up and look at the doctor in worrisome.

"How is she?"

"Lucy...may not make it."


The Weakest Heart

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