(y/n) POV

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"Where are you leading me, Steve?" I asked.

I was currently being led through the Wakandan royal garden. Steve said that he had to show me something, but refused to share any information with me about it.

"It's a surprise," he said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. After a few minutes, Steve turned around a corner. My eyes widened in shock.


There was a small opening in the garden which was decorated with streamers and balloons.

"What on earth?" I muttered a smile growing on my face.

"Happy birthday, (y/n)!" Scott exclaimed.

How on earth did I forget my birthday? I must have been tired today. And all week.

I smiled at the people present. There was Steve, Scott, Wanda, Clint, Sam, T'Challa, and Bucky.

"Thanks, guys!" I said. "I completely forgot about this! How'd you guys find out?"

"We have our ways," Steve said.

"Can we quit the talking and just cut the cake already?" Clint asked. "I'm getting hungry."


I sighed. It was dark out already. The party was amazing. There had been music and dancing, along with great food. Everyone had gotten me small gifts. Except Bucky, who said his surprise would wait until after the party.

"Tired?" he asked as he wheeled me down the hall towards our room. We had been sharing a room after we unfroze him since he was still having a few nightmares about HYDRA, but they were becoming fewer and fewer. A few days after unfreezing him, T'Challa gave him his new metal arm, which was made of vibranium, the same metal Steve's shield was made of.

"A little," I replied. "I had a great day though."

"You awake enough for your last gift?"

I looked up at him from over my shoulder.

"Do you have to ask?" I asked.

He chuckled and opened the door to our room. He stopped my chair by the bed.

"I'll be right back," he told me.

I nodded and he disappeared from the room. I took that moment to get myself out of my chair and into bed. I was too tired to change into my pajamas. A moment later, Bucky came into the room holding a squirming object. I raised an eyebrow at him as he walked towards me. When he sat down on the edge of the bed, I gasped.

In his arms was a small panther cub.

I looked at Bucky in surprise and confusion.

"Where on earth did you get a panther cub?" I asked.

He ignored my question and smiled.

"Happy birthday, (y/n)."

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and I took the cub into my arms.

"I remember you saying once that you wished you had a pet, so I asked T'Challa about it. There are a couple others, but this one was the youngest. He's already trained, though."

"He's so cute." The cub lifted its head and licked my cheek, making me laugh. I looked up at Bucky, who was smiling at me. "Thank you, Bucky." I gently grabbed his metal arm and pulled him towards me, placing a light kiss on his lips. When we pulled back, he looked at me, looking slightly stunned. I looked down at the cub, trying to avoid Bucky's questioning eyes. "Sorry, I wa-."

"(y/n)," Bucky said. He put his hand on my cheek and turned my face to look at him. He smirked at me. He leaned forward and kissed me. I sighed into the kiss. We pulled back and Bucky still had a smirk on his face. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

I smiled at him and pulled him close to kiss him again. A moment after our lips touched, the panther cub reached his head up and licked our faces. I laughed as we separated.

"You want a kiss too?" I said. The cub licked my face again, making me laugh more. I kissed its head. "There you go."

"Happy Birthday, (y/n)," Bucky said, kissing me again.

"It certainly has been," I replied.

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