Chapter 20

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I starred out the plane window.
I hadn't said a word since the plane took off, and I wasn't planning on saying anything until it had landed.
I squinted my eyes as the suns rays shone through the window, warming my skin.
I wondered how Vic was.
Was he okay?
Where was he?
My mind overflowed with worry, but I knew I had to try and be strong.
For Vic, myself, Brendon, and Mike.
I tore my gaze from the outside world and lay my head back against the seat, gently shutting my eyes and falling into a deep sleep...
The plane landed with a sharp bump, making me clutch my stomach.
I used to find plane landing fun, but I couldn't really see the joy in it now, though I guess at the moment there wasn't much joy in anything.
The sun was out and shining brightly and, just like I'd heard, the weather in San Diego was very hot.
We marched across the air-field and into the airport to check into the state.
I glanced around curiously, hoping no one recognised us.
I'm guessing they wouldn't put any news reports in a state so far away from New York, but then again, you never really know what the 'police force' are capable of.
I hated referring to them as police.
They're not police.
Police are meant to keep people safe, keep society equal and sort out crime.
These people weren't doing any of that.

Finally, after going through multiple security gates, we left the airport, signalling a near cab and climbing in.
I'd remembered the address of Vic's house perfectly and told the driver who nodded and started the car.
We would get Mike and head straight back to the airport, and back to Michigan for Vic.
We weren't leaving the country without him.
I would refuse.
'He's gunna be okay.' Brendon muttered.
I gazed out the window, not replying, though I could tell that he knew  I heard him.
I'd never been to San Diego before, and to be honest, it was nicer than I expected.
I'd heard that it was nice but I thought it was just one of those over rated places.
It would've been cool to spend some more time in California but I can't.
Not now anyway.
Maybe one day..

I checked my watch which read:
7.24 pm

I knew there wouldn't be anymore flights today.
We'd have to check in a hotel for the night.
I felt my stomach sink at the thought of being away from Vic for the night but I knew that there was no choice.

I frowned as I saw a familiar name on a sign.
Hotel del Coronado

Vic said the house was opposite.
My heart leapt in my chest as I realised where we were.
The car came to a stop and the driver turned around, asking for the money before we clambered our the car, thanking the driver.

I starred up at the house, hoping that this was the one.
Nervously, I shuffled up the path and knocked on the door.
The door immediately flew open, and a tall boy with a lot of tattoos and a lip piercing stood in front of us, a bag slung over his shoulder.
His lip was cut and he had a small purple bruise on his cheek bone.
I remembered him from the visiting day.
'Mike right?' I asked.
He nodded and stepped outside, shutting the door.
'I would offer you to come inside but that's probably not a good idea..' he muttered, laughing nervously.
I found it hard to believe that he was younger than Vic.
We walked back down the path and Mike showed us to his car.
'Where's Vic?' He asked.
I looked to the floor and gulped, 'He was taken away..we're flying back to Michigan to get him.' I told him.
Mikes face covered with worry, 'He's okay though?'
Brendon stepped in front of me, 'He'll be fine if we get a move on. There's a flight tomorrow morning at eight, we'll check in at a hotel for the night.'
Mike nodded, 'I, uh, took my fathers credit card so we have more money.'
I smiled slightly, 'Good thinking.'
Mike nodded and lead us to his car, opening the door for us, before we headed to a hotel near the airport.
1.08 am the clock read
I got up from my sofa-bed, quietly walking across the room, being careful to not wake Mike or Brendon.
I walked out onto the balcony and stared at the stars,
knowing that Vic would probably be starring at the exact same ones..

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