Monday: Kirstie

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I woke up from my alarm blaring in my right ear. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a still relatively dark room, it was 6 in the morning.

I quickly shut my alarm off and turned around to my boyfriend Avi who was still fast asleep, that man could sleep through everything. I smiled at him and stroke my hand once through his thick black beard.

I turned back around and grabbed my phone from my bedside table and squinted my eyes at the bright light as I turned it on. I saw I had a message from Mitch, cause only he had to wake up earlier than me.

Mitchy: Don't forget yoga class tonight! ;) have a good day kit!

I laughed at that, how could I forget yoga class? I always loved that especially with my best friend in the world.

U: how could I forget?! Haha, have a good day Mitchy, see you tonight!!

I then got out of my warm bed and got ready for work. I showered, got dressed and put a little bit of make up on my face. I walked back to my bedroom to grab my phone and saw that my boyfriend has woken up as well. His hair was still a mess and he yawned when I came in but those were the moments I appreciated the most in our relationship.

"Hey babe" he said with a groggy morning voice

"Good morning handsome"

I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I need to go now, but I'll see you tonight okay?"

"Have fun at work!" He said while his head fell back into the pillow and his eyes closed again.

I rolled my eyes at him and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I quickly made a smoothie and put it in a travel mug. I then went out the door and got in my car to drive to work.

I worked as a psychologist, many people may think it's the most depressive job in the world, hearing all people's problems, but I think it's the most beautiful job in the world: trying to help people and better their life.

I had two patients in the morning and then three after my lunch break. I had a bond with all my patients and truly cared for them, that's how talking with them was easy and I felt like their friend than their psychologist and it made me love my job very much.

But after a long day of work I also couldn't wait to go home to my boyfriend and of course to yoga class with my best friend.

It was 6 pm when I got home, I decided to cook something simple since I didn't feel like cooking at that moment.

I walked upstairs to Avi's work room and knocked two times before I walked in. He was sat at his desk selecting photos from a recent shoot he did at the beach, Avi is a nature photographer and a good one if I must say so myself.

"Babe, dinner is ready" I said while leaning over him and placing a kiss on his neck

"Coming" he said while closing his laptop and turning around to give me a proper kiss.

We walked downstairs and sat down at the dinner table. We talked about our days and just ate, nothing special really.

I then got ready for yoga class, so I changed, did my hair and grabbed my sport bag. I couldn't wait to see Mitchy again!

"Bye, babe! See you later!" I yelled at Avi before closing the front door

"Hey, Kirst!" Mitch said while I walked into the dressing room. It was a relatively small yoga studio, so there was only one dressing room that we all had to share, men and women. I didn't mind though and most of the other people here didn't really mind either. I walked over to Mitch and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Mitchy! Missed you so much!"

"Same! It's literally been one week though" Mitch said laughing.

"I know but it feels like it's been longer than that."

We laughed and talked a little bit about our days and then it was time already to start with the yoga class.

I love yoga so much, it just lets me completely relax for an hour and forget about everything.

Mitch and I didn't talk during the class, cause it had to be super quiet, but we didn't mind cause we would be talking before and after class anyway.

It was an intense class today, the teacher let us sweat a lot. I was sure I was gonna be sore tomorrow.

The time flew by and before I knew it the teacher thanked us for the lesson and then it was already time to put my yoga mat back in my bag and head over to the cafeteria with Mitch. I know it sounds bad going to the cafeteria right after sporting, but it's a habit of us and we also made a promise to only drink healthy drinks after yoga, like tea (without sugar of course).

So we both ordered a cup of tea and sat on a table near the corner.

"That was a nice lesson" Mitch said

"Agreed, I just love yoga so much."

We were quiet for a little while just sipping our still hot tea.

"How's Avi doing?" Mitch said, suddenly breaking the silence.

"He's great, he just had a shoot on the beach and he made some beautiful pictures so his boss will be happy with that, I hope"

"Great, I'm happy you guys are doing so great."

"Me too" I said smiling when I said those words "How are you and Beau doing?"

Mitch smiled just as I brought up his name

"We're great, Kirst. I literally couldn't be happier right now, he treats me so well!"

"I'm happy for you Mitchy" I truly was, after all kinds of bad relationship, Mitch finally found himself a good man who treats him the way he deserves to be treated.

"Hey, you know what I was thinking?" I said


"That we should go clubbing sometimes again, it's been way to long!"

"I agree! That's such an amazing idea, Kirst!"

"We could even go with like a bigger group, with like Avi and his friends too."

"That would be so fun, I could go for a club round right now with the stress from my work."

"Well, that's settled then. We only need to pick out a date."

We talked some more and finished our tea en then we got up and said our goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you!" I said while hugging Mitch

"I'm gonna miss you too, but we'll see each other next week again!"

"That's true, have a good week Mitchy!"

"You too!"

"I'll text you about the clubbing idea!"

I then walked to my car and headed home, I couldn't wait to go to fall asleep in my boyfriend's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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