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Donghyuck was already dressed for school and decided to walk without Jaemin he was afraid Jaemin would be upset with him. But he didn't get that far before he could hear Jaemins voice.

"Hyuck! Wait, don't leave without me!" Jaemin shouted and Donghyuck stopped in his tracks.

"I knew you weren't that cold to just leave me"

"Why doesn't you're boyfriend walk you to school?"

"Well he's usually late and he has a name you know, it's Jeno"

Donghyuck just rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry Hyuckie, I'll try to respect your privacy a little more, I'm just really nosy. Please forgive me"

"Well it's not like I could stay mad at you forever"

"Yayy" Jaemin screamed and hugged Donghyuck.

Donghyuck smiled ruffling Jaemin's hair.

They finally arrived at school it was a pretty long walk from there house but it was manageable.

Once Donghyuck got into the school he noticed a note on his locker which read:

Photography club meeting after school

Donghyuck was confused none of his club members notified him about this but he just brushed it off.


Time skip to lunch (because let's be honest school days are usually boring)

Donghyuck sat at his usual table with his little brother.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Donghyuck asked Jaemin

"He'll be here, he's just always late to everything"

"Um, about what I said about earlier about us not being brothers.."

"Don't worry, I know you didn't mean it"

Donghyuck smiles at how sweet Jaemin was, he was glad to live with someone like him.

"That's Jeno" Jaemin pointed out his boyfriend walking towards them. Donghyuck noticed that Jeno wasn't the only one coming towards them Mark was also headed their way.

"Um, Jaemin why is he walking with Mark" Donghyuck whispered in a panic.

"Oh, so his name is Mark"

"Jaemin seriously answer my question" Donghyuck was still whispering

"Just act natural" Jaemin whispered back.

"Hey babe" Jeno said putting down his plate of food.

Jaemin smiles brightly.

"Don't call him babe!" Donghyuck said getting defensive over his little brother.

"Relax man we're all in highschool here, anyway you guys know Mark. He's the captain of the basket ball team."

"Not really, I-i mean I know of him but we've never really talked."

Jaemin facepalmed at his brothers words.

"Well we can change that, I need better friends anyway my basketball team sucks, all they ever talk about is inappropriate things" Mark didn't actually want to say that all they talked about was sex because Donghyuck looked too innocent to hear such things.

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