Falling (Destiel)

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Castiel's pov

My wings tore to shreds leaving the bone framework as pain crisscrossed through my body. the pain and panic of the others, my brothers and sisters ripped through me. Some went silent and I could hear some screaming like me as our wings tore from our backs. I felt Gabriel's terror right before his feed was silenced. Lucifer as well, gone. I curled my body up as the wind rushed past me and I plummeted towards the earth. I was going to fall onto a street on a city block but the wind shoved me and I crashed through a window. One of my wings was still clinging on by a shred of flesh and the pale, bloody bones rested on the ground as I sobbed covering my mouth as I saw my brothers and sisters racing towards the earth in streaks of light.

"Oh god! Castiel!"

I heard a cry of surprise as I covered my head unable to watch. Fear, Pain, Terror, Panic, and Anguish flooded through me as my body racked with sobs. It hurt, It hurt so much.


Why did I remember the voice? No matter, I peered through my hands at the sky and my heart ripped in two, there were so many angels falling.

"Cas!" The deep, husky voice of Dean Winchester crashed through my grief.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and dean attempted to lift me.

Dean's pov

Cas looked awful, one of his wings was gone and the other was stripped of flesh and dangling at a weird angle.

"NO!" He screamed clutching his head.

He turned towards the shattered window again where streaks of light were illuminating the sky. Another ragged scream ripped from his throat as he watched in horror. I sat cradling him on the floor amongst the shattered glass, and some black feathers as he shook and tears streamed down his face. He gripped the back of my white shirt burying his face in my neck when he couldn't bear watching anymore. I stared grimly at the sky as he cried out again and again. How much pain he must be feeling, connected to the other angels. Eventually the lights stopped but he continued to cling to me still trembling. I knew that if I didn't do something about his wings, he would bleed to death. So I scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom where I peeled his coat and shirt from his body and handed them to Sam. He began to scrub the blood off them in the sink as I took hold of the bones of Cas's wing. Sam handed me a very sharp knife that he had dipped in alcohol.

"Cas this will painful." I warned. "But we need to get this off of you."

He nodded slightly as I rested the blade on the bit of skin holding the bone to Cas's back. It was about two inches thick, and covered in his blood. I kissed him on the back of the head before wincing and cutting it away and handing it to Sam. Cas let out a small whimper as I kissed him on the cheek and looked sadly at his back. There were two long rips on his back, they started just behind his shoulder blades and ended at the middle of his back. Sam handed me a curved needle, gauze soaked in more alcohol, and some thread. I cleaned around his wounds and gingerly began to stitch them. When I was done I gently dabbed at the stitched tears with the alcohol. He winced but stayed still. I told him to lift his arms and I bandaged them wrapping gauze around his torso so he looked like he had broken all of his ribs. Then Sam stepped out and I helped Cas into a pair of flannel pj's and one of my AC/DC shirts. He was still shaking.

"You cold?" I asked, he nodded and I grabbed a blanket, then wrapped him up in it.

I then carried him over to the couch and held him close as he buried his face in my neck.

"Thank you Cas whispered as he leaned against my chest and I curled my legs under myself.

Sam handed Cas a mug of tea as the angel curled up in my lap. He sipped it halfheartedly I was about to cry myself. How could this happen to my angel. I could tell more than a small part of him had died when he had fallen. He would never be the same. Sam went back to bed when I assured him that Cas and I would be okay. Eventually Cas was to exhausted to stay awake and he fell asleep. I carried him back to my bed and set him down before lying next to him and wrapping one arm around his waist and cushioning his head on my other arm. I held him close as he mumbled in his sleep and I drifted off.

~The next day~

When I woke I was glad Sam and I had been taking a short break from hunting. Bobby had told us earlier in the week that we were going to work ourselves to death. Cas had rolled over in his sleep and had my shirt in a death grip. He was whimpering in his sleep. He still smelled like blood and he needed a bath.

"Dean?" Cas asked quietly opening one eye.

I nodded and kissed him on the forehead. He sat up and I did as well. I pulled him into my lap so his temple was leaning against my shoulder. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"Cas, lets go get something to eat." I urged. He nodded against my shoulder and I carried him into the bathroom. I helped him wash and re-bandage the gashes before I dressed him again, giving him a pair of my jeans and another shirt. I tugged him down the hall and into the elevator. We walked out of the lobby, I kept him close by twining our fingers together. He followed me looking down at the sidewalk as I led him to a nice diner down the street. When we got there I sat down next to him as he stared blankly at the table.

"Cas, Even if it doesn't make a difference, I love you." I said hugging him around the shoulders. He looked at me with sad eyes.
"Thank you Dean." He said quietly.

A waitress came by and I ordered for us so she would leave. After a few moments of convincing him I finally got him to tell me what it was like. I choked up as I heard him stumble over his words and tear up. At one point I couldn't take the story anymore so I just shook my head silently. Cas got the message and shut his mouth looking better off after talking about it. When we got our food Cas picked at his silently. The sky seemed to open up and it began to pour. Cas leaned on my shoulder as the waitress collected the bill and took away the plates. I wrapped an arm around him kissing him on the cheek. We went back to the hotel and Sam went somewhere while Cas and I curled up on the couch renting movies. Eventually I nodded off and Cas woke me by poking me in the cheek.

"Weirdo." I mumbled catching his hand and smiling.

He gives me a faint smile and curls his legs under himself again. I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned to me with wide eyes I rested my fingers under his chin and kissed him gently. He froze in shock before he completely melted, I swear to god his entire body went limp. I wrapped an arm around his waist as he began to kiss back awkwardly. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" I asked.

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