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Grayla pov

As I am walking to class, I accidentally bump into someone. I look up from my book and see that it is jasmine, the most easiest girl in school, standing with her friends.

"What the Fuc-," Jasmine says but cuts herself off once she turns around to see who bumped into her.

"Sorry for bumping int-"

"Yeah I forgive you blah blah, You're friends with Mason right?" She questioned, I look behind her and see her friends giving me a death stare.

"I wouldn't say friends perhaps, more like uhhh, associates" I answer, I hear the girls behind her whisper "yeah right".

"Well that's not what I heard from Whitney" Jasmines Scoffed while rolling her eyes at me. I give her a confused look, I honestly didn't know what she was talking about.

"Whitney tell her what happened" Jasmine demands and one of the girls with brown hair steps in front of me next to jasmine.

"Well, this morning I was walking behind Mason and William, and I heard them talking about how little miss goody two shoes here has a date with Mason today" she said Smirking with her arms crossed.

"It's not a date, I just help him with his school work, Maybe you just miss heard what they were talking about" I said trying to walk away but I am harshly pulled back by Jasmine.

"Look here bitch, I don't care what you guys are, but stay away from MY MAN, if I even see you near him I will Rip your head of- Hey Mason" Jasmine harshly says but her voice turns sweet scarily fast.

"Don't "hey mason" me why are you messing with Grayla!" Mason Exclaimed giving her a glare.

" I wasn't we were just talking about, the homework for 6th period, I never know when the homework is due" Jasmine lied giving me the side eye.

"I heard everything, First off I am not your "man" and thirdly who cares if I have a date with Grayla today, and I know you're lying about the homework thing because We have the same class 6th period" Mason said.

Okay, so it's official it is a date.

"If you mess with her again you will regret it, come on Grayla" He says putting his hand on my waist before guiding me down the hallway, as we turn the corner I get a quick glance at jasmine and see her standing there with her mouth open.

"Thanks, for helping me with that situation" I thanked, "Yeah, no problem" he answered as we continued walking.

"This is my stop" I say stopping in front of my 5th period class room door. "I guess I will see you tonight" Mason says before walking away. I walk into my classroom just as the bell rings.

I take my seat in the back and pull out my notebook.

As class started all I could think about was Mason and the date.

Today all my classes have went surprisingly fast, I put away all my supplies into my bag before walking out of my last class of the day. I walk through the hallways until I get to one of the doors that lead to the football field. I had to tell Jayden that  mom was going to pick me up to go shopping, because as she puts it all my clothes in my closet are not date worthy.

When I am on the field I see all the boys coming out of the locker room in their uniforms. I see Jayden's football jersey and call his name, when he sees me he jogs his way to me.

"Mom is picking me up today, so that we can go shopping for a outfit" I tell him.

"Okay, oh and sorry for the whole freaking out thing about you going out with one of my friends, I talked to Mason and everything is sorted out" He says apologizing for what happened this morning before giving me a hug.  I say "bye" to him before walking around the school to my moms car.

Mason pov

The bell rings dismissing us from school for the day. All day I have been thinking about Grayla and about how I am going to talk to Jayden about the whole taking his sister on a date.

I pick my football gear bag up from the floor before walking out of the class room.  After a few minutes I make it into the locker room. I spot Jayden and take a deep breath before going over to him.

"Hey bro, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him hoping he says yes. He gives me a nod, so I sit my bag down and begin talking to him.

"Look, I know you are pissed about me taking your sister on a date and I hope we can still be friend and that I really like Grayla and I won't hurt her in any way" I blurt out, he gives me a nod.

"Fine, and just so you know you are her first date ever but you got my permission, but my permission doesn't really matter it's my dad you have to be worried about he is a lawyer so.... please for your sake be prepared" Jayden says, I laugh it off a little awkwardly but then I look at his face and see that he is being  serious. 

Let's hope tonight goes smoothly.

I am so sorry for not updating for such a long time but I am so lazy. Anyways vote and comment 💖

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