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            I find Rohan at the entrance. He’s seated on the floor with his back on the wall; one leg stretched on the floor and his arm resting on the other’s knee. He looks so relaxed; the katana on his lap seems to be out of place. The glass door is barred with a steel gate but Rohan added a barricade of cabinets and tables. Outside, howling and snarling sounds emanate from a distance. Vampires.

            “Where are you going?” he asks when he sees me with my bag perched on my back.

            “To get you,” I simply reply. His eyes don’t show anger anymore. A good indication that he has calmed down already.

            He smirks at me. “Why? Have I gone somewhere that I’m not aware of?”

            I just purse my mouth and shake my head as I drop beside him. Nobody speaks. We just sit in silence for a while. Unable bear the dead air’s pressure more, I slightly bump him with my right shoulder. He answers by nudging my shoulder back. I nudge back and he sticks his elbow on my side which is ticklish. I jolt from it and suppress a laugh. He’s okay now, I tell myself. I got my partner back.

            When our sniggers dwindle, I hear him sigh.

            “What is it?” I ask him.

            He looks down before speaking in a soft voice. “Sorry. You know, for how I acted back there.” The corner of my mouth twitches.

            “It’s alright,” I say. I’m quick to forgive anyway. There’s no point bearing a grudge when I know he only wants to protect our safety.

            “You weren’t that nice to me when we first met. You tried to ditch me by running off.” My eyes dart to his face.

            “What? Is that why… Oh.” My voice trails off. That’s weird. Why would he be focusing on that factor? Besides, that was not what happened.

            Rohan remains silent. He just leans his head on my shoulder and my heart leaps onto my throat. I can’t help but smile to myself. I feel silly.

            “It wasn’t like that. You got it all wrong,” I find myself saying. “When you were out cold, I fought with Vaughn. I even put a gun on the little kid’s head which is definitely far from being nice. I think I frightened her.”

            “Really?” he says and he chuckles. “Now, I feel guilty I taught you the moves.”

            I just laugh at him. I can’t concentrate on what we are talking about. My whole mind is focused on his breathing beside me and the warmth of his body. Ironic. In some way, it’s uncomfortable but I could stay like this forever.

            “What’s your favorite song, by the way?” he asks out of the blue.

            I scoff. “What kind of question was that?”

            “I don’t know.” He shrugs “I guess I just want to know you better.”

            “Why a song, then?”

            “Well, I’m no expert but I’m quite sure music is the only thing everybody enjoys. That’s in general, of course. Genres have their disparities,” Rohan says. “Besides, we killed vampires together along the way, you told me your biggest secret, and I know nothing else about you.”

            “Ditto,” I say with a grin. “I know nothing about you but your name.”

            He lifts his head and faces me. “In that case, I should formally introduce myself.”

PANDORA - Book 1 (NWC's 2nd place winner)Where stories live. Discover now