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Isla POV

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I saw that nobody was awake so I went to Jack's room and saw that he was sleeping with Alexxa and Sandi (dog).I went, got Sandi , walk back to my room, lay on my bed while hugging Sandi, and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up again to knocking on my door.

Me: come in

Alexxa came in.

Alexxa: Hey cutie

Me: hey

Alexxa: What do you want to do today?

Me: I don't know whatever you want

Alexxa: I heard there is a really cool fair, you want to go?

Me: Yeah that sounds fun

Alexxa: Ok I will tell Jack

I went to Jack's room and changed into this👇

Jack then came in the room and wrapped his arms around my waist

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Jack then came in the room and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Jack:Why are you so dressing up?
Me:oh I forgot I told Isla about going to the fair and she said she wanted to go so,can we go?
Jack:of course but Ava and Sydnie aren't here they are at friends house so it will only be Me,You,and Isla
I went into Isla's room

Me: Isla can I come in?

Isla: Yes

Me: Jack said we could go to the fair but it will only be us 3 because Ava and Sydnie are at friends house

Isla: ok I will go get ready

Isla got dressed and so did Jack now we were on the way to the fair. When we got to the fair we first went on the rides, Ate, and then we decided to walk on the beach. We got to the beach and we walked down with me giving one of my hands to Isla and she was giving her other hand to Jack, which Me and Jack would pull her up and pretend she is flying. We were walking by a group of teenagers when I see a guy staring at us, the guy nudged one of his friends and pointed at me. Jack then wen around me and put his arms around my waist. Isla then nudged me and I turned my head to her.

Isla: I have a bad vibe can we leave?

Me: Yeah

We than left, went back to the house, took showers, and went to sleep


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