Untouchable * One Direction / Harry Styles Fan Fiction *

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My heart was once again aching as I watched him with his girlfriend, happiness etched on their faces.

The pain that ignited was now spreading like a wildfire from my head to the very tips of my toes.

Jealousy mixed in with the pain as I watched them kiss and pull away looking at each other lovingly.

It was always like this; Me watching them knowing I would be hurt and waking up the next day, my eyes puffy and red.

I didn't know why I did it.

I knew it was wrong to watch him, but I couldn't stop.

If you saw one of your most favorite people coming into the diner - where you just so happened to work at - every other Friday with his girlfriend, you would want to watch.

Maybe I never stopped because I was somehow hoping that one day, he would actually notice me.

But I knew that Harry Styles would never notice me.

He could never notice the waitress that served him every time he came here.

He could never notice me, Calliope Meath because he was far within my reach.

He could never notice me because Harry Styles was untouchable from my unreachable distance.


© All Rights Reserved

~*~ Untouchable ~*~

Chapter One

I sighed as another bead of sweat clouded my vision and wiped it away hastily. Getting the wet sponge from the trolley, I continued to clean the booth. After the table was once again spotless, the bell dinged indicating a customer entered the diner.

I pushed the trolley to the back corner of the diner and headed in the direction of the laughing couple. My eyes widened when I realised it was him.

Of course, Today was Friday. I should've known. The couple managed to come here every other Friday for their ' annual date ', as I liked to call it.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and greeted the couple before reaching for my notepad from the pocket of my dully colored apron.

The girl smiled at me, showing me her set of perfectly, white teeth. She was the girl you'd love to hate. The looks of a model but the personality of a tomboy.

"I'll just have a salad and a cup of Yorkshire tea," she told me, the smile on her face widening as she looked at her boyfriend. "What would you like, Hun?"

I gritted my teeth at thier pet names. I looked at the boy my hazel-blue eyes connecting with his for a meer second. I tore my eyes from his and directed my attention to my notepad, shyly.

" I'd have a steak with mashed potatoes," the boy announced happily, his usual droning voice making a small smile form on my pink lips.

I nodded and wrote it down before turning away and heading to the counter.

"Wait!" I heard a feminine voice call out for me. I turned around and saw the girl waving her arms around frantically, trying to grab my attention.

' How odd.' I thought. ' It should be me trying to grab their attention, not the other way around.'

I returned to their table and held onto my notepad in case they needed something.

"Yes?" I asked. " Would you like to order anything else?"

They shook their heads and giggled childishly.

"Oh," was all I said as I placed my pad in my pocket.

I raised an eyebrow as they continued to giggle wordlessly.

As I was beginning to walk away, I heard the boy's husky voice making me turn around in surprise.

" You didn't introduce yourself," he pointed out, a pout on his lips and his arms crossed childishly.

I blushed realising I had his attention.

I cleared my throat and smiled. "Calliope Meath."

He smiled and did a superman pose. " I'm Styles. Harry Styles." He introduced himself, impersonating James Bond.

"AND I'M PAIGE AIMS!" His girlfriend shouted proudly, grinning.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Well, I'll go get your order Harry Styles and Paige Aims." I told them, smiling widely.

Harry nodded and chuckled making his curls bob up and down. " Thank you, Calliope Meath." He replied and smiled to himself.

I blushed, heading to the counter the smile never leaving my face.

Maybe Harry Styles can finally be within my reach.

( Author's Note )

Hello, Lovelies.

This is another one direction story from me about the one and only Harry Styles. * drools*

Is't He Lovely?

- VintageBookWorm

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