Untouchable 2

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~*~ Untouchable ~*~


I walked silently through the door of our apartment, hearing the familiar creaking of the old wooden door.

“LIO!” I laughed as I heard the familiar voices of my younger brother and sister, Kai and Calypso who were only 5 years old.

“Hi,” I greeted, wrapping them in a warm hug. Though I had only been at the diner for more than a few hours, I had missed my siblings dearly. No word could express how much I love them. They were the only family I had left besides Rachel, the owner of the diner, who I had considered as a mum, and her husband Philip.

The couple was kind enough to let us live with them when they saw us 2 years ago at a park, sleeping on the bench. It was after . . . my mum and my dad died. Anyways, they had been kind enough to let us live with them and give me a job in their diner, treating us as if we were they’re own. Rachel couldn’t bear children when she got in an accident and she told me she was more than happy to have found us.

I carried the two in my arms, smiling and laughing at the twin’s silly antics. I placed them on the couch next to Phil and Rachel, turning on the T.V. that was showing a rerun of the twin’s favorite show – Spongebob.

“Hi,” I greeted the couple as I headed for the kitchen, opening the fridge and getting the leftover spaghetti from last night along with a can of coke. I was starving from the long shift and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Rachel’s famous dish.

“Hello, deary,” Rachel greeted, coughing right after. That was why I had to work twice as had today. Rachel had the flu and I begged for her to stay at home and rest. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help—“I cut her off.

“It’s fine,” I reassured her, drinking the can of coke, “It wasn’t so hectic anyways. But Sydney wasn’t there today.”

She raised a brow, “Sydney was absent?” I nodded and she looked at me disbelievingly. Sydney was one of the best workers and never did she once skip a day for work, s it was such a surprise when she didn’t go to work.

“She went to her brother’s funeral,” I answered sadly. Steven was a really nice guy, just like his younger sister. I even had a small, tiny crush on him when I first met him. He had leukemia and didn’t tell anyone, not wanting the last few days of his life to be sad and depressing, he wanted everyone to be happy and when the time comes, we’ll let him be.

When he died, we found a neatly stacked pile of letters, bundled up with a rubber band under his pillow. He gave one to everyone and when we were finished reading it, we were in tears. Sydney was probably the most depressed about the whole thing. She and Steven had a bond no brother or sister could have and I understood her point of view. I know the feeling of having the one I love die. My whole life has been about that.

She sighed and nodded sadly. She too had known Steven and treated him like a son. Steven was great boy who died way too soon for anyone’s liking. He died at the age of 21 and I know that though he may be gone physically, he’s with us mentally.

I placed the dish and glass in the sink, washing it along the way. When I was done, I headed upstairs with my siblings, tucking them in bed, singing a song that my Mother taught me. My mother was a wonderful singer. She always sang me lullabies when he hit me. I had seen her cry every time she saw the purple splotches of bruises on my back and arms and would whisper ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again.

After I was done taking a shower, I noticed a small white piece of paper on the ground.

I grinned when I read it.

‘Calliope Meath.

Ello, lovely! Here’s my number.. so call me maybe! I hope to see you again and text me sometime, aye. This is my number and I gave it to you because I knew you taught I was sexy and wanted my number. Since, I’m so generous, here it is! Harry ‘Sexy’ Styles xx’

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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