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In Bakugos P O V

Today was...different then the rest.  I didn't know why...something just felt off.  Maybe it was because of last night. I still can't get that visual out of my head no matter how hard I try.

~~~~~~~~~Last Night~~~~~~~~~~~

"What the fuck was that for!" I screamed.  We were out on a walk when all of a sudden Kirishima stopped dead in his tracks and broke down sobbing.  I tried to comfort him, I really did.  But he pushed me away, multiple times.
"Hey, answer me!" I yelled, nothing.
"Why! What am I doing wrong!" I was on the verge of tears, I could feel it.  It's not that I didn't care, it's that I didn't know how to show him I care.  I was trying the only way I know.

"..I-I'm...s-sor-ry...Bakugo" He whispered out.  His voice defeated and weak.
"Kirishima cut the shit, come on let's go  home before you get co-"
"No Bakugo!"  That was the first time I've heard him shout.  It was...scary.

"Why? Why do you want to go home when all I've caused you is pain.  I've made you hurt and yet you still welcome me with warm hands!  I don't deserve it!...I don't deserve anything..."
He last part was mumbled but I heard it.  It made me...pissed off.

"Don't you ever fucking say that again!"
I shouted picking him up by the collar.  He's used to me getting mad but this time there was something different.  He looked...scared.  Still, I didn't let go.

"You don't fucking know how much you are Kirishima!  Don't you ever fucking say you don't deserve anything again!  I care about you so damn much and I don't want to hear that..that bullshit!" I was mad now...no...infuriated. I could feel the tears rush down my face as I let him go.

Kirishima looked at me, eyes filled with tears and pain.  He then spoke 2 words and ran away into the darkness.  Those 2 words hit me deep

"Stop caring"

~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~

No matter how hard  I try I can't get my mind of him or that day.  I can't help but let my mind linger to all the other memories we have together.  I look down at my sweaty hands, my promise ring

"Hey Bakugo!" I hear Kirishima yell from the other side of the hall.  I turn around to see his spiky hair and cheesy smile. 
Today was our 2 year anniversary of being together.  I think he forgot about it though.
"I Have something to give you" he says excitedly now running over to my side of the hall.
He hands me a small box.  On top of it is a little poem...

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you"
I then open the box to see a small little ring

"Please don't take my sunshine away"
"Promise to be my sunshine if ill be yours?"

He's so god damn cheesy but I take the ring and look up

Kirishima is looking nervously at the floor.

I pick up his head and pull him into a passionate kiss.
I never wanted to leave that moment
That was 5 years ago.   Time flies I guess.  I decide I should go on a walk to get my mind off of things. 

Kirishima hasn't come home since last night and I'm getting worried.
Last night when I called him he never picked up, and I called him...a lot.  Usually Kirishimas not like this at all.  He's always been so happy in life and always wore a cheery smile ever since I met him.  That was the first time he's ever broken down.
I decide to go a shortcut to the woods.  I like to go to the woods to think because it's always so serene there.
I turn the corner to see something down the alleyway.

It's Kirishima.

I run towards him hoping he's ok.

As I examine his body it appears he's not ok, His arms are covered in blood.  He doesn't appear to be con- oh god is he dead.

I quickly check for a pulse

There is one but it's faint.

I quickly pick him up in my arms and run to the nearest hospital but my vision is quickly blurred due to the tears running down my face.
If you die here I'll have to kick your ass

Ive been in his hospital room for 4 hours now.  He's still not conscious and the doctors say he's in a coma, I refuse to believe it.
They say the blood loss put him in a coma and they think it was a suicide attempt due to the cuts on his arms.
Who knew he was hurting so much.
They say they don't know when he'll wake up, or if he'll wake up.
But he has too.
He will.
The more I sit in this room the more I realize it's my fault.  I should've never freaked out on him.  I should've comforted him when he told me he was hurting, instead like the dumbass I am I yelled at him.
Now look where that got me.
It's been a few days and the doctors say he's doing well.  I know there just saying that so I will leave.  I haven't slept in these few days and I can feel how heavy my eyelids are.  The doctors are saying I should go home and rest but what if something happens to him.

I feel myself finally drifting off into sleep.

Fuck it

My whole body jolts as one of the nurses comes to visit me.
She says she's gonna have to pull his life support sunday if he doesn't wake up by the end of this week.
But I know he'll wake up
He's got to...right

Final time skip (be prepared)

It's Sunday morning.
He hasn't woken up yet.
They asked me if I wanted to be the one to do it.
I didn't want to kill my lover.
This wasn't suppose to happen.
We were supposed to get married
Have kids
Die old together and not be separated young.
But that's all changed
I watched as his chest barely rise up and down.

"You...are my...sunshine" my voice is raspy and weak.

"My only....sunshine....you make me...happy.  When sky's.....are grey"
I can feel my eyes water as I don't take my eyes off him.

Beep beep

"You'll never know...dear.....how much...I love...you"

"Please don't take.....


....My sunshine...

Beep beep



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