Pax Pacis

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The wind lapped at my skin, bitterly cold, as I ran through the dense forest. The Gandras were right on my trail, man made beasts with massive claws and teeth capable of ripping through anything they pleased. These foul smelling creatures haunted any being who ventured into the Facinorous Forest after restricted hours. I dared not look back for fear that these monsters would catch me. From the overwhelming cacophony of their giant paws scraping the earth behind me I gauged that there were at least two, maybe even three of these monstrous creations chasing me. I could fight them but I knew that I wouldn't be able to take them all before they overwhelmed me. If it was just one by itself I knew I stood at least a mild chance, however slim the odds might be, two or three would over power me. I just wasn’t strong enough in this condition. They were too big. Sweat dripped off of me soaking my forest garb as I raced through the brambles trying to formulate a plan. It seemed everything was working against me and the only advantage I had was my familiarity with my surroundings.

Looking around I took note of the thinning tree line and my heart leapt with the emerging chance of survival. I was getting closer to my cabin which meant closer to Raziel. If I could get to him, he would be able to help me. Our odds would still not be great but they would improve significantly. This small hope fueled my need to safety and pushed my burning limbs to go faster than they had in a very long time. I bounded over tree limbs and skirted rocks that seemed determined to make me lose my footing. Even my sanctuary was turning against me on this vile night. 

The monsters behind me let out a fierce howl piercing each of my bones in a different way. I gasped in terror and tried to push my body harder but it refused to go any faster. I felt myself slowing down, my body and my mind seemed only to revolt against each other. My mind told my lower body to move on but my legs would not budge. They resisted and froze up in sheer terror. You're going to have to fight, Daryn. I could hear my fathers voice in my head as he taught me to always protect myself.

I slowed down and began jogging at an easy pace letting the beasts catch up to me enough to think that they could win. I also used this time to refresh myself and regain some of my withering strength. I would need it all in the coming battle. I reached into the folds of my cloak and pulled out my dagger. The hilt was black as night with a dark red garnet set in the top of it and the blade was red as blood. I grinned at the sight of my old friend and how it would feel to once again battle together. I took a sharp right off the path and followed my instincts into my favorite clearing, a place my father and I would spend hours hunting in together. I knew the land well. Up at the far end of the clearing was a large flat boulder I could easily stand on to give myself the higher ground against these Gandras. Slowly, to make sure that the monsters were still right on my trail I ambled across the soft grass and climbed up on top of the rock crouching down.

Shadows blotted out the moon on the other side of the clearing and I knew that the Gandras had found me. Their foul smell wafted over to me and I tried not to breathe too deeply. The creature in the front stepped slowly towards me as if assessing the best way to attack me and devour my flesh. I stared it down with unblinking eyes. The creature let out a howl that sounded as if one thousand children were screaming at once and then raced after me all at once. I took my chance, they had done exactly what I had wanted them too. As the largest one came barreling towards me I jumped up as high as my tired legs would push me. The creatures headed towards me at a breakneck pace and I lept onto the leaders back digging my knife into its eye. It clawed at its face trying to remove the pest that now harmed it but its attempts were weak and soon it had clawed out its own eye. Blood poured from the wound as the beast ran around trying to shake me from its back. My hands held firmly in its fur as I grasped the creature for dear life and tried to stab it through the heart. The only way to truly kill a Gandra was to stab in directly in the heart. 

Pax Pacis: A Dystopian ShortstoryWhere stories live. Discover now