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The day dragged on and on for hours at a time. It seemed like one hour was only five minutes and I paced impatiently through the apple orchard. I wanted to go to that meeting. I had to know what they were talking about. I had to know more about Payce and where he came from and why he was watching me from the Edificiumyesterday. With so many questions in my head I could not bare to focus on anything but the mystery behind Insrugo. 

I could hear the lunch bell vaguely from my place at the edge of the orchard. I had wandered as far away as possible in order to keep away from watchful eyes and to avoid doing as much work as possible. It wasn't that I did not want to care for my beautiful trees, it was simply that I couldn't focus enough to do anyone any good. 

I didn't want to be around anyone. I felt distanced from my Division and I knew my change in attitude would arouse suspicion. But I also knew that if I did not show up at our designated lunch table, Eavan would become suspicious and I would have to explain. So either way she was probably going to know something about Insurgo and my capture by tonight. I just could not avoid her continuous curiosity. 

"Hey cutie!" At the sound of a familiar voice I turned my head toward the noise. However, before I could realize who it was or what was going on Zane, my future fiance, hip bumped me. On impact I lost my footing mid step and tripped over someones foot, dropping my entire lunch tray all over the cafeteria floor and spilling soup all down the front of my shirt. All around me the room fell silent. I could feel my face heating up and knelt down on the now wet floor to clean up the mess. "Here, let me help". Zane knelt beside me, his face as red as mine and began mopping up some of the spilled soup with napkins from his own tray.

"Why should I?" I snap at him without thinking and immediately recoil. "Sorry, um, just embarrassed." I scowl at the floor and place the spoiled food back on my tray. Zane helps me to my feet, takes my trashed lunch from my hand and whisks it away to the trash can on the other end of the cafeteria. My clothes now soiled and my appetite ruined I stalk over to the lunch table and sink down in my assigned seat across from Eavan and Tarrance. 

"How ya doing klu-Ow!" I looked up from the table to see Eavans elbow retracting from Tarrences side. "What was that for?!"

"Your side comment." Eavan retorts.

"I made no such thing!"

"No but you thought about it!" I could hear the two of them begin arguing and appreciated Eavan standing up for me but I was too tired and embarrassed to care or pay attention. After a minute or two the conversation died down and I felt the warmth of someone, probably Zane, occupy the seat beside me.

"Pretty nasty fall there huh?" I nod in response to the voice. After a moment though I realize, the speaker is not Zane at all. It is the sleek and quiet voice I heard in the tunnel last night. It is Payce. My eyes make their way up from my glare at the table and slowly find their way to his face. He carries a smug expression, probably basking in my idiocy.

"Something like that." It takes me longer then it should to answer him and I know I sound even more ridiculous then before. 

"Man, get out of my chair!" Zane.

"Excuse you?" Payce turns his head to meet the accuser speaking to him.

"Did I stutter? Get. Out. Of. My. Chair." I am unsure where the anger that Zane clearly holds is coming from. In his hand is a spare t-shirt. Where did he get that?

"Do you know who I am?"

"No. And I really don't care." Zane takes his tray and sets it down on the table in front of me. I notice it has an extra apple on it. One for him, and one for me.

Pax Pacis: A Dystopian ShortstoryWhere stories live. Discover now