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Tagged by: tmblrangelx

1. Explain your favorite color as a feeling:
Um, I never thought about this tbh. But you know that feeling when you're like kind of upset but not really depressed, just a little down yet relaxed and just want to be isolated or cuddle, that's what grey feels like to me.

2. What's one of your favorite memories?
Hmm, I'd have to say all those times when I was younger and playing with my two older sisters upstairs. . . Only I convinced them to climb down from the second story of our old house from my bedroom window and to run to the store to buy chips for us. I was usually just playing by myself in my sisters room that was across from mine. But I was so good at all the different voices I used to do when playing so my parents never suspected a thing and thought we were all upstairs all the time. I was a good influence as a child, I promise. My parents literally never found out about this until years later and after we moved.

3. Favorite Number?
Probably 19 or 23

4. If you could only choose one vocal line, which would it be?
This is honestly one of the hardest questions ever because there's sO many amazingly talented vocal lines. If have to say either.  . . Seventeen's or. . . Exo's??

5. Why do you love your best friend?
I love my best friends Jay Jay (tmblrangelx) and Jo (jacks_hiswang) so much that I honestly could make a story dedicated to them 💕 Most people probably don't even know this but I have always been a reserved person, when I was younger I was pretty outgoing compared to now but I was still generally independent and quiet and didn't have much friends. . . Which I learned a few days ago is actually wrong bc I was the only one who thought they weren't my friends, oOps 😂, even with my closest friends in real I refuse to take photos or to message them or to go out with them, like we dont hug or outwardly appreciate each other or ANYTHING, but now a side of me that's rare is like spilling out when I feel anything and have sugar in my body bc they came into my life and I'm so grateful that I'm legit in tears while typing this bc they honestly just made me look forward to our future so much and I think I have developed a major soft spot in my brick walls, how dAre you guys become one of my weaknesses when I try so hard to shut people out. Jay Jay is my ball of sunshine and she honestly brightens up my day every single day without failing or trying. Now she is adorable and talkative and sometimes a brat, but I love her anyway 💕 Even when she has times when she's down and upset and just wants to vent, I still love and appreciate her and don't mind having to be the temporary artificial sunshine 😂 I'm truly not cut out to be a happy virus but I can try for the OT3. Jo is my adorable little maknae and *cough* she needs to reply more in group chats sometimes *cough* I also love her so much and want to protect her at all costs (even if she uses inapprOpriate language sometimes) 💕 I will fight you if you hurt her or Jay Jay, so go awAy. They are my sisters and my children and I can't live without them so bYe. I just want to make it clear that there is no way I'm gonna be this lovey dovey in another tag, nOpe. So enjoy my soft side while you can >.>

6. Favorite Book?

If we're talking real, published books. . . currently The Alchemist

7. If you could start a trend, what would it be?
Appreciating underappreciated artists!! AND STANNING HOLLAND.

8. Favorite Sunshine?
Idol-wise I don't even know 😂 All my sunshines are adorable

9. Who makes you happy?
Jay Jay and Jo, my friend Aki, my family, literally every idol I, well, idolize, everyone I look up to and that are my role models, my ships 😂 There's quite a bit of people who make me happy, surprisingly.

10. What is your dream?
Hmm, just to be happy with my life probably, my dream is fulfilled as long as I get to meet my sisters and live life to the fullest ~

11. Dream Place?
Wherever the future OT3 is living it up ~

12. What do you like about yourself?
Honestly. . . I never thought about it. Maybe my open-minded and chill personality 😂

13. One thing you can't live without?
uM, other than certain people, food and sleep??

I don't wanna tag anyone but I also do want to because who knows if they'd want to do it so like:
I TOTALLY do not just want to see their number 5 😂

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