Chapter 3: You came.

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As I walked up on the quarry, there they all were. I saw Stan arguing with Mike, Ben writing in a journal, Bill looking out into the water, and Eddie applying sunscreen.
"Hey, guys!" I said to them with a smile. They all looked at me with pure love and joy. I love my boys. After a few minutes of catching up and telling them i invited Richie, Eddie spoke out first.
"You really invited him? What did he say?"
I shrugged and looked out into the water.
"Just don't count on it I guess?" Stan questioned.
"Y-y-you know h-he isn't the s-s-same as he used t-to be," Bill exclaimed.
"Bill is right. He probably won't come, but if he does, then cool right? I'd love to catch up with him. See who he is now," Mike said.
"He's the same guy that he's always been guys," I say, always defending Richie.
"I'll b-believe it when I s-s-see it!" Bill said, causing all of the guys to laugh.
"Well start believing Bill," a familiar voice came from behind us. I looked back and smiled at Richie.
"You came," I said, smiling even more.
"What can I say, Anna? You've got me whipped," Richie said and hugged me. Everyone looked around, a little awkward at first. After a few minutes, it was like Richie had never left. It felt like home again.
We all began drinking and swimming and having the best time. As night approached and the booze was gone, we were all a little tipsy to say the least. The boys began to dwindle, Bill biking home and Eddie and Mike catching the bus. I hugged Stan and we said our final goodbyes. All that was left was Ben, Richie, and me. Ben lived on my street and parted for his house, leaving just Richie in my presence.
"So. Is your mom home?" He asked in a hopeful tone.
"Yes Richie you can stay the night," I said laughing. It was weird having him walk through the front door and not sneaking in my window, something he has done a time or two in the past.
We walked into my room, I walked to the bathroom and took my clothes off. I turned to walk out and bumped into Richie. He stood staring at me. He looked at me up and down.
"Rich, you okay?" I asked and walked past him. He continued to stare at me.
"Richie what's wrong?" I asked again.
"Um, nothing. Sorry," he mumbles as he tries to play off what just happened.
I knew he was lying. I knew he was frustrated because he had me right where he's always wanted me; drunk, half naked, and all alone. I knew deep down he was attracted to me. He made it pretty obvious with the way he treated me. He sat down on my bed and averted his attention to the t.v. I watched as he bit his lip. He became flustered and exhaled sharply.
"You're staring. Why are you staring?" He asked as he wiped his hands on his pants in a very nervous manner.
"Payback," I said while laughing.
"For what?" He asked, half smiling.
"For staring at me. Why were you staring?" I asked and sat next to him.
"It's just.. when I saw you in that bra-" He began.
"You've seen me in a bra before Rich. Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry-" I said as he shook his head and cut me off.
"It didn't make me uncomfortable. The opposite actually. I just wanted to kiss you so bad," he said and looked down. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the impulse driving me at this point, but I crashed my lips to his. He deepened the kiss, biting my lip and caressing my cheek.
What began as a kiss turned into something more very fast. Before I knew it, his shirt was joining my bra and underwear on the ground. Soon, he was fully naked and on top of me. He paused the kissing for a moment and smiled at me.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Anna?" He asked, moving hair from my forehead. I nodded and continued the kiss. Before I knew it, I was losing my virginity to my best friend.

We were changing our lives forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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