Your best friend

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This is best friend from the avengers or just marvel in General :)

Steve Rogers

Best friend:Bucky

I mean How could you not love Bucky hes so sweet! You guys didn't exactly get along at first. Let's just say you thought he was too close with Steve and he thought you weren't the right one for Steve! But one night you guys hung out and it was really enjoyable.

Tony Stark

Best friend:Thor

You are more like Thors mentor. You teach Thor all about Earth and Technology. You have to be patient though. I mean aleast cap can press the home button!

"Thor that button! The bottom left" I point at the phone

"I just wanted Poptarts" Thor frowns "NOT A COOKIE POLICY"


Best friend:Bruce Banner

Kinda typical seeing you and Bruce worked together. You helped Bruce get his a girlfriend with Thor and let's just say it was hilarious.

"Excuse Me, fair maiden" Thor says walking up to a Young girl

"Um Yes?" She replies looking Thor up and down like he's crazy.

"My friend over there thinks you are rather beautiful. I think you should go on what you Midguardians call a date but don't make him angry or he turns into a Big Green Giant" Thor smiles and nods.


Best friend:Loki and Thor

Aww.. aww. You only really need Loki I mean he's the only one who understands you most of the time. You like the avengers but most of the time you hardly talk to them.

Bruce Banner

Best friend: Natasha

You and Natasha are very close. Like two peas in a pod. You guys are always stealing bruces glasses and pretending to be him. Every weekend you guys share the latest gossip between the avengers

"did you hear about what happened?" Natasha smirks and I raise my eyebrow

"Tell me" I say sipping my tea

"Well Apparently Tony was walking to the lab. He tripped and fell on Bruce and wouldn't get off him" me and Natasha started laughing "and Bruce kept shouting 'Tony don't make me take out the other guy!'"

Clint Barton

Best friend:Loki

You find Loki Interesting. Listen he has long hair, he talks funny, and he wants people to Kneel to him all the time.

Bucky Barnes

Best friend:Pietro

You and Pietro have gotten along since you guys first met. Everyone thought you two would get together but that's when Mr James Barnes walked into your life (I tried to make a Hamilton reference :3)

Pietro Maximoff

Best friend:Steve

You were a history teacher and you loved learning about Wars. Steve told you everything that happened in the 40s and 30s. You guys just clicked after that and he became your best friend.

Sorry the last couple were kinda bad :( I just winged this one because I haven't posted. Also question should I add in the Vision, Falcon, Black Panther or Antman?

Enjoy this picture of Sebastian :)

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