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Lesley POV

I been so exhausted lately between working and taking care of Dareus every need I hadn't had no time for myself

So I decided imma go out with the homeboys tonight.

Dareus and Samora was downstairs eating breakfast...

"What up baby" I said as I kissed her on the lips


I looked at Samora and spoke "What up?"

She smiled extra hard and said "heeey"


"So babe I plan on going out tonight with the guys, you gon be good?"

She gave me the side eye like I was up to no good

But she said okay and told me to have fun

I told her I'd have security on lock down just in case her crazy ass ex decided to pull some shit

I'm so ready to blow his ass away I'm just waiting on the right time.

She said okay and went upstairs to get her day started.

I looked over at Samora and she was staring me down hard

"So what club y'all going to tonight?" Samora asked

I told her we was going to LT Vibes

It was owned by this married couple LaParis and Travis Wallace... it was one of the hottest clubs in Nevada


She told me about how her homegirl invited her out there and she would probably see me tonight

Funny thing is
1. She not old enough so I'm guessing she got a fake ID
2. Who watching her son
3. I thought she ain't have no friends

Honestly it really wasn't none of my business but the thought did cross my mind

Samora was something else

No lie she was gorgeous but she ain't have nothing on my baby but some reason I feel like she been watching me

I'm not going to say anything to Dareus about it, I could be over exaggerating plus

I don't want her feeling different about her little friend and I'm positive she wouldn't make a move on me knowing how crazy Dareus is


We sat and talked for a few more minutes then her baby monitor went off so she had to go check on her baby

She got up and I swear you could see her ass through her leggings

I tried not to look but it was sitting real nice

Man let me go upstairs and check on my lady....

Samora POV

I overheard Lesley talking to his friends last night about going out so I hurried up and asked Dareus if she could watch Jr while I go have me some me time

She said it was fine she needed the practice anyway

Little did she know I was going out because Lesley was going out

I wanted him bad... it's like the more I see him around the house the more I want him

And he smells so good

I know I shouldn't be crossing that line after all Dareus has done for me but one time won't hurt, she'll never have to know

Lesley sexy ass came downstairs this morning telling Dareus he was going out tonight


She was fine with him going out but I know it never crossed her mind that I would be meeting him there

Dareus end up going upstairs to do whatever so I made it my point to spark a convo with Lesley

I asked where he was going just so I could purposely be at the same place he was

He told me exactly what I wanted

Jr ass start crying over the monitor so I had to cut our conversation short

As I got up I felt Lesley eyes on my ass

It was no mistake that I wore see through leggings over here

I wanted him to look

Before I walked out the door I turned around and caught him

Of course he played it off like he was staring

It only made me smirk...

Got him.

Dareus Life IIWhere stories live. Discover now