Chapter 1/ A Weird Morning

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Quick massage:

Y/n-you're name
F/c - Favorite Color
F/f - Favorite Food
F/d - Favorite Drink
F/m - Favorite music

By the way Warning-bad words

I think that's all
~3rd person POV~

*beep beep beep beep*

You woke up from the sound of the alarm clock as usual at 6:30 A.m and smacked the alarm so it would stop ringing.

Another lonely day, woohoo.

You got off the bed and head over to you're closet to take a F/c sweater and F/c shorts and then went to change from your pajamas to what you took from the closet.

You went to the kitchen and made yourself some eggs for the morning and set down to eat.
You looked at the time and it was 7:00 A.M, you finished eating, made yourself some sandwiches for school, took you're backpack and head off to high school.

On you're way to the school you went to Starbucks to get yourself coffee to keep you awake for the day, and since the Café is located right in you're usual path towards you're high school it's a big win for you, since you barely sleep at night because of insomnia.

Once you got in the Café and went to order you're favorite coffee another skeleton got in and looked around the place.

Seem like he visits this Café for a first time.

The Skeleton looked looked to be around 16 to 17 years old, and appears to be male.
His bones where black color and on his cheeks were outlined Cyan squares.
His Eye sockets were a sandy brown color, and his pupils were a deep red color, his right pupil was smaller then the right pupil.
His right pupil also had a plus shape on it, which makes his eyes look pretty interesting to look at. 

He wears a rosey brown sweater, and a midnight blue hoodie which has a medium turquoise square pattern which has a gradient over to a deep turquoise on the end of the hoodie, and on the sides of the arms there is a medium turquoise line going from a dark sea green line on the shoulder to all the way to the end of the arm.

On the wrists of the hoodie there are two deep medium turquoise strings making and X on the wrists.
He wears long dark baggy pants which gradients to a dark brown at the end.
He also wears a long deep red belt, and at the ends of the belt there is an ꟻF pattern colored in an orange color.
The shoes he wears are black colored and have a brown yellow tiger pattern on them.

Basically, a whole lot of detail on the guy's clothes, but it makes him look interesting non the less.

But that guy were glitching, and he had "ERROR"s around him as well.

That is very odd.

You don't remember ever seeing a monster or a human being glitched, let alone looking like their gonna crash in any second.

"what would you like to order?"
The worker asked you, you didn't really notice that she got over to the counter since you were taking in the details of the new guy.

"I'd like a (favorite coffee) please"
You answered her question.

While you were waiting for the (favorite coffee) you decided to talk to new guy, Cuz why the hell not? He seems interesting enough that he managed to catch you're eye.

"Howdy there. You're new in Starbucks?"
The Skeleton looked at you confused, pointing to himself, asking if you're talking to him.
"yeah, I'm asking you. Who else? Heheh"
Since the Café just opened there aren't really a lot of people, for meantime it was just you and the glitchy skeleton. And the workers of course.

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