Signs of weakness

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or story line of One Day At A Time. I'm simply using the characters for my own enjoyment.

Ch. 1

Elena ran past her abuela Lydia, as tears fell down her face.

"Mijita, why the pee pee face?"

Elena choose to ignore her grandma in favor of slamming her bedroom door.

"Don't bother Abuela, Elena was dumped by Kim today during lunch."

"Where does this Kim live, papito? Maybe it is time to get out me machete."

Alex rolled his eyes, "No Abuela, just give her sometime to get it out. Besides, mami will be home soon."

Lydia sighed dramatically, then walked to the kitchen to start making dinner.


By the time Penelope arrived home, Dinner was made, the table set, but only two people ate.

"Hi papito, Hey mami!"

Alex nodded his head in greeting while shoveling his food into his mouth.

"Ay, papito how many times must I tell you! Chew, swallow, and breathe before each bite! And where is your sister?"

Exaggerating swallowing and breathing before responding.

"She's been in her room since we got home. She's been crying since lunch"

"Por que?"

"Because that baca eh broke up con Blankita!"

"Mami, do you mean Kim? They seemed so happy last weekend!"

Penelope decided to check in on Elena before eating dinner.

"Knock, knock Elena"

Penelope spoke softly, while slowly entering the room.

Laid on on her bed, still in school uniform, Elena tossed and turned in a fitful slumber.

Penelope walked over to her daughter, about to wake Elena up, only to note the dampness on her pillow.

In all the years of service, nursing, and dealing with the public in general, Penelope would have never guessed how enraged she would be with someone breaking up with one of her children.

Penelope sighed, knowing there wasn't anything she could do in the moment. Looking at her daughter once more, Penelope decided to grab some of Elena's pajamas.

Starting with Elena's socks and boots, Penelope careful to keep Elena asleep, thought of the millions of times she had walked in on her daughter face down and snoring on a book or paper. Penelope barely registered that she was already pulling the blankets up Elena's body.

Elena began to stretch in her sleep. Noticing her daughters shirt ride up, Penelope went to pull it down. In that very moment Penelope's trained eye saw a small burn on Elena's hip.

Her nurse mode took over and soon Penelope discovered the many small  burns and cuts littered across her daughters perfect skin.

Casting one last look at her slumbering daughter, Penelope decided to let her rest for the night.


Next chapter coming within 48 hrs. Please star, comment / share.

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