Chapter 5: the ghost

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By the time the group of the pups sleep, they saw something whispering in their ear, it was a ghost of the three children from Asia.

( Skye, Chase and Marshall POV)

during Skye, Chase and Marshall are asleep they saw a blue ghost standing on them causing the pups to wake up silently.

" oh my god, Who are you" Skye asked.

" don't you know me, I'm Tamagawa Tamiko." Tamagawa said as the pups quietly sit down and listen to her explanation.

" so what happen to you" Marshall asked.

" I was very happy during my childhood. But since The Emperor had told his evil armies to kill my parent and my relative, they kidnap me and sent me away from my home." Tamagawa said as Chase let down in depression.

" so what happened after you being kidnapped" Chase asked more consent.

" after I was kidnapped, the emperor treat me like a slave. He abuse me and the other children with a fierce cold heart" Tamagawa said.

" so what happen to your eye" Skye asked.

" he took it and hid in somewhere sacred temple" Tamagawa said.

" so what happen after your eye restored" Chase asked.

" my soul will be free" Tamagawa said.

" so what if you don't get your eye restored" Marshall asked.

" after the last second of the sun and moon eclipse, my soul will be trapped into the pitiless gems forever" Tamagawa said.

" okay I'll find it" Chase said.

" thank you. And quickly, time running out" Tamagawa said.

( Rubble, Zuma and Rocky POV)

as they fall asleep, the yellow ghost appear on them. While Zuma open one eye, sawing a ghost. Causing him to wake up along with Rocky and Rubble.

" oh my gosh, Who are you" Rubble asked.

" don't you remember my name. My name is Seol Tae-Baek" Seol said as the pup gasped.

" wait a minute, you're the one victim who got lost during the Korean war in 1950" Rubble said.

" it true, but I wasn't abandoned, I was kidnapped by the emperor." Seol said.

" so what happen" Zuma asked while sitting in a crossed legged position.

" while I was kidnapped by the emperor, I was tortured brutally. He took my eye and put somewhere in a scared temple in Seoul" Seol said as the pup trying to figure it out to find it and they agreed.

" don't worry seol, we'll find it" Rocky said as Seol thanked them.

( Tracker and Everest POV)

while Everest and Tracker fall asleep, they saw a rd ghost appearing on them causing them to wake up in surprise.

" whoa, whoa, oh my goodness, who are you" Everest asked

" I'm Tián Liqing" Tián said.

" so what happen to you" Tracker asked.

" I was tortured and I was treated like a slave" Tián said as the pup gasped.

" oh no, so how do you ended up here" Everest asked.

" I was trapped in a eye gem" Tián said.

" so how do we get out of here" Tracker said.

" my eye is also act like a key to the dimension" Tián said.

Everest and Tracker kept thinking of planning to find Tián's eye. So they agreed.

" don't worry Tián, we'll find it" Tracker said as Tián thanked them.

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