I lost my Love

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"Why is losing the one you love the most the hardest? Is it because they're the ones that stuck with you through hardest and thick times when no one, not even your parents could care for you? The memory still plays in my mind, over and over again like a CD on repeat. It destroys me, tears open my heart and leaves me shattered."

Flashback 7 months ago;

You and your boyfriend, Namjoon, were driving to a restaurant for a date he planned.

"Hahaha no shut up! It's not funny!" You said, between laughs.

"Yes it is, you totally were clueless!"

You and him were laughing more.
His phone started ringing and you looked at who was calling.

"Who is it?" Namjoon asked.
"Taehyung again, why does he keep calling?"
"You know how he is, put him on speaker for me, would you?"

You plugged the phone into the Bluetooth and accepted the call.

"Namjoon? Hi."
"Hi Tae, what's up?"
"I was just wondering, what did Mrs. Chang say we had to do for our project again?"
"Taehyung can't this wait till later? I'm trying to drive."
"Sorry Namjoon, do you know anyone else in our class that could help?"
You cut in.
"I can!"
"Hi! You're talking about our physiology project right?"
"She told us that we had to find out what is in our brains that make us love someone. Why it hurts, and why we still continue to love even when it hurts us. Don't worry about the project though, it's not due until the end of the school year."
"Great, so that means we have to work EXTRA hard on this, ugh."
"Yea I guess so." You said laughing.
"Thanks though, I'll talk to you, Namjoon, later."

He hung up and you smiled, looking back at the road outside.

"JOONIE WATCH OUT!!" You screamed. A car was coming straight at you guys, not stopping. Namjoon tried to swerve out of the way, but it wasn't fast enough.

You opened your eyes, confused. Your head was throbbing and when you touched it, you felt blood.

"Joonie?" You called, looking around. Your eyes were still blurry from hitting your head in the accident.
"Joonie!?" You said, more nervous. You then saw him, eyes open and face bloody.
"Wake up, Namjoon this isn't funny, wake up!" Tears were stinging your eyes. You got out of the car looking around for any help.
"Someone! Help us! Please!!" You shouted on top of your lungs. And whoever was in the car that hit you both, was now gone. You heard sirens In the distance, watching as ambulances and police cars drove close.

Present Time;

"Thank you Y/n, you can sit down now."  Mrs. Chang said, writing down your grade.

Your classmates applauded you and you sat down at your seat.

"Kim Taehyung? It's your turn to present now."

Taehyung walked up to the front of the class.

"I'm chose love as well. What is love you may ask? It's just a chemical in our brain that reacts differently for everyone, causing attraction to someone. Loving someone doesn't mean they're your 'special someone' it can be anyone you care for. I know I loved my best friend, Namjoon. He and I were friends since 5th grade and losing him destroyed me. Why is it painful? Because when you love someone, it may just be science, but your attached to them. They're your safe place, the place to lean on when you don't have a home-metaphorically- but I still continue to love. Him, my friends, my family, even the girl I love that doesn't know,"

He made eye contact with you, and you tried to hold in your tears from you and him talking about Namjoon.

"Even if that girl doesn't know, I still continue to love her because no matter how much it will hurt me, she makes me feel like I have that safe place to lean on."

"Thank you Mr. Kim, do you have the paper you wrote this down on with you?"

"No, I do not."

He said all of this from his heart, he didn't memorize this, didn't write it down, just said everything he felt.

"You can take a seat now."

More students started clapping for him, and once sat down, the bell rang.

"Hey Y/n," it was Taehyung. He came up to you and slung his backpack over his shoulder.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, or uhm can I walk you home?"

"Oh, sure I guess." You replied.
You have never really talked to him much. The only times you really did were when Namjoon was with you.

You and him were awkwardly walking on the way to your house when he started talking.

"Y/n, listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"


It caught you off guard. You barely knew him.

"Just, you don't have to answer right now. We're here, uhh see you tomorrow."

"Yea, see you tomorrow." You waved to him and went inside your house. You lived alone, your parents left you sophomore year by yourself.

Flashback 2 years ago;

"Joonie, why does everyone call you the God of Destruction?" You asked Namjoon while smiling and eating grapes outside.

"Well, everyone –"
As he was saying that, he leaned against the wooden porch outside and it instantly broke.
"That's why."

You burst out in laughter, making him not feel bad anymore and laugh along with you.

"Come on, let's go inside."
You both went in to your house and stopped when you noticed a note on the counter.

Y/n sweetie, we're sorry to say but.. you're going to be on your own for a little bit. Not long, just until your dad and I sort everything out. It's for our business trip. 3-4 months at most- <3 mom

"What is it?" Namjoon asked you.

"Just a note. Looks like my parents are going on another business trip."
You handed him it and sat down.

"You'll be ok alone right?" He asked worried.

"Of course, they always go on trips once a year. So, God of Destruction, you won't accidentally burn my house down my house or something right? I'm not too positive my family will be happy if they come back to a burnt home."
You smiled at him and he just picked up one of the grapes you were about to eat and threw it and you.


Present Day- Next Morning;

It was now Friday morning and the last day of school. You were excited and relieved that this horrible year was going to be behind you.

The bell rang, declaring school was done. Taehyung came up to you and asked if he could hang with you today.

You shut everyone out this past school year so you thought, 'why not? He was friends with Namjoon, he's nice, I should try to get friends.'

He wasn't going to try anything, right?

You both began walking to your house and you let him in.
"Y/n, have you thought about what I asked yesterday?"


"No you listen ok? You're my first love Y/n. You have been since 7th grade and you always will be. You're that girl I was talking about in the presentation, you're the girl that seeing her sad everyday from her boyfriend dying makes me sad, you're the girl that crushed my heart when you started dating my best friend."


"I know you still love Namjoon but you have to let him go. It's been 7 months Y/n! I miss him to but he'd want you to move on. I just need to know if you feel anything for me."


And there it was. A gentle, sweet kiss that made you love someone all over again.

This is my first story and I hope you all enjoy!!😚

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