Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Arianna and I'm 17 years old. I'm moving to Maryland today. I didn't have friends at my last school and I hope that I can make good friends at my new school.
Mom- Honey come on.
If you're wondering where my dad is well I'll tell you. He left for another woman when I was only 1 year old. Yeah I know and my mom is fine with it now she's got a better guy in her life and I like him he's always been there for me. I like to call him my dad. He always helps me through the hard times.
Dad- Come on Ari we don't want to miss our plane.
Me- I'm coming Dad.
He smiled at me and I smiled back. I got my stuff and I got in our car. We drove to the airport. *Skip drive* we finally arrived at the airport.  We boarded our plane. There was nothing to do except watch YouTube videos and listen to music. *Skip flight*I woke up to someone shaking me awake it was my mom.
Mom- Sweetheart wake up we landed in Maryland.
Me- Okay.
I was still sleepy. I also have school in two days so yeah.
Mom- When we get home we'll set our mattresses down and put our blankets over them we'll worry about the other stuff later.
Me- Okay sounds good.
We did it and went to bed. *Two days later* Today I go to school and I'm very nervous. I put on this.

I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and perfume

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I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and perfume.
Mom- Arianna come on you don't want to be late.
Me- Coming.
I ran downstairs and hopped in my moms car. She took me to school*Skip drive* we arrived at my new school.
Mom- Have a good day sweetheart.
Me- Okay Bye love you mom.
Mom- Love you too.
I got in the school got my schedule and looked for my class. I was late to my first class.
Teacher- Aaa, you must be Arianna.
Me- Yep that's me.
Teacher- Well you want to tell us a little about you?
Me- Okay well I lived in California before I came here um and I'm 17
Teacher- Cool, okay can you please go sit next to Marcus Dobre, Marcus please raise your hand so she knows who you are.
He raised his hand and I went over and sat next to him. He looked so handsome he had curly black hair and pretty brown and green eyes.
Marcus- So Arianna huh.
Me- Yep.
Marcus- I'm Marcus.
Me- Yep I know so how old are you?
Marcus- I'm 18 also I have a twin brother his name is Lucas.
Me- Oh that's so cool.
Marcus- Haha yeah.
Me- So who are your best friends?
Marcus- My best friends are Jack Avery, Zach Herron, Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, and Daniel Seavey.
Me- Oh that's cool.
We got to know each other and we became friends in one class. He looked at my schedule and we have the same classes together.
Marcus- We have the same classes together.
Me- Yes!
We laughed. We hung out a lot in all of our classes. *Skip to lunch* It was now lunch time I saw Marcus with his twin and other guys.
Me- Hey Guys.
Marcus- Oh hey Ari.
Me- Hey Marcus.
I hugged him and he hugged me back.
Marcus- So this is Lucas and these are our best friends.
Guys- Hi.
Me- Hi.
I sat down and we all got to know each other and we were best friends now.  They are so amazing I can talk to them all day.
Marcus P.O.V: I really like Arianna she's amazing I feel like I can tell her anything. It was the end of the day and we went home. Lucas and our best friends and I all walked around. It was getting pretty dark now. There was a full moon and Jack was being silly.
Jack- Guys I don't feel good.
Me- You Okay Jack?
Jack- No run.
He chased me around and then he tickled me.
Me- Bro what the heck haha.
Jack- I just had to do it Okay haha.
Then There was a howl. We all jumped.
Lucas- Yo that scared me.
Me- Yeah.
Then there was growling and it kept on getting closer to us.
Corbyn- Guys run.
We all ran and the animal was chasing after us. I was behind all of them because I'm slow.
Lucas- MARCUS!
Then the animal tackled me to the ground. The others were still running they didn't know what happened. Then the animal bit me on the side of my stomach.
I screamed in pain it hurt so bad.
Jack P.O.V: We were just messing around I was being silly and acting like I was a werewolf and I tickled Marcus. It wasn't funny anymore because we heard a howl then growling and it got closer to us.
Corbyn- Guys run.
We all ran and Marcus was behind us. We turned into an alley and we didn't see the animal anymore.
Lucas- Wait Guys Where's Marcus?
After he said that we heard a scream and it sounded like Marcus. We ran as quick as we could back to him. We saw the animal run away. Marcus was on the ground and his shirt was bloody. Lucas and I dropped to our knees next to him.
He helped me pick him up then I said.
We all went home. When we got there Lucas and I set Marcus on the couch.
Me- Corbyn get a rag!
He got the rag and I whipped some blood off of his stomach. It looked horrible. After I was done cleaning it up a little bit I saw that Marcus was about to pass out. I shook him.
Me- Marcus it's going to be okay stay awake.
It didn't work he already passed out.
Me- Guys he passed out!
Daniel- Oh no.
Zach- What even bit him because that didn't look like a dog or anything.
Me- I don't know what it was but we need to put Marcus in his bed.
Lucas helped me put him in his bed.
Me- Lucas it couldn't be possible that, that animal was a...
He knew what I was going to say and he said.
Lucas- No that's impossible werewolves don't exist.
Me- Lucas we don't know for sure, they could exist.
Lucas- They don't bro and if they do I don't know what to do.
Me- Okay let's just go to sleep and we'll talk about this tomorrow.
Lucas- Okay.
TBC what do you guys think? Ill post more soon.
Love you guys💕 Peace ✌️

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