letters to Riza

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Dear Riza,

It's been awhile since i've seen you. Two years to be exact. Everyone around Central was shocked to see your resignation from the military. You've missed a lot around here. I've recently became Fuhrer of Amestis, believe it or not. I'm surprised I could've made it this far without my Lieutenant keeping me on task. Everyone in our unit misses you, even I miss you. You should visit Central sometime.


Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

Central has been in chaos lately, not bad chaos but chaos to say the least. General Armstrong has been transferred to be the assistant to the Fuhrer. I wish you could've been here when she got that news. Her face was priceless, absolutely priceless. They keep saying she's taking your place but don't worry Lieutenant, I won't let that happen.

You have my best wishes,

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

Being the Fuhrer is tough work. Even tougher without my Lieutenant here. It was a sudden decision to resign, but it was yours so I can't criticize it. I miss you like crazy, but I hope you're happy wherever you are now.

The space to my right is always open,

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

You probably heard the news by now. It's true, I've finally put my plans of making Amestris into a democracy into action. I hope you're happy for me wherever you are.i've sent these letters out to you about what's going on in Central but tell me Riza, how have you been? Where are you? Why haven't you wrote me back yet?

Please write back soon,

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

General Maes Hughes walked in on me writing that last letter to you. Can you believe he thinks your dead? Maybe that's his way to accept the fact that you've resigned. He misses you too, believe it or not. He's been watching me, telling me to accept the fact that you're not coming back, can you believe that? He tells me it's unhealthy to focus on someone's death for so long. He's crazy, Lieutenant, but i shouldn't be surprised. This is Hughes we're talking about. Still, I want him to stop looking at me with that sad expression on his face.

I miss you so much, Lieutenant,

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

General Hughes and First Lieutenant Havoc insisted I leave work early and go somewhere with them, so I did. They dragged me to a cemetery of all places. I followed them up to a gravestone with your name on it. They explained to me that we were in a battle and you protected me with your last breath.

You can't be dead, Lieutenant, you can't....

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

Dear Riza,

This letter will be my last. I've realized that my dream was not only to become Fuhrer of Amestris. I always wanted you by my side. I worked so hard to make it to the top, but the view wasn't as beautiful as I expected. You were what I really wanted in the end, Riza and I would give up anything and everything to be able to hold you in my arms. My rank. My alchemy. My life. Everything. I've always loved you, Riza, I've always been too focused on my goal to ever admit it to myself. I'm coming to join you, Riza, will you wait for me?

With my last dying breath,

Fuhrer Roy Mustang

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